- Fetching and analysing data from different exchanges.
- The data is saved identifying possible trading opportunities.
- Using Kraken API to open market/stop-loss/take-profit orders.
- Strategies used: Engulfing candles and MA crossovers.
- /tradetheday/swagger.html
- /tradetheday/docs
docker run --name opentrades -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=tradetheday -p 5432:5432 postgres:14.4
$ ./gradlew bootBuildImage
$ docker-compose -f ./dcompose/docker-compose.yml up
Prometheus: http://localhost:9090/ Grafana: http://localhost:3000/explore
$ minikube start --cpus 2 --memory 4g --driver docker --profile tradetheday
$ minikube stop --profile tradetheday
$ minikube start --profile tradetheday
$ kubectl config get-contexts
$ kubectl config current-context
$ kubectl config use-context tradetheday
$ kubectl get nodes
$ kubectl apply -f ./k8s/db.yml
$ kubectl get pod
$ kubectl apply -f ./k8s/deployment.yml
$ kubectl get deployments
$ kubectl apply -f ./k8s/service.yml
$ kubectl get services
$ kubectl port-forward service/tradetheday 8181:80
$ curl