A simple Unity3D project with the essencial components to start a basic UI system and game interactions
Here's a GIF showing the project :
Abilites bar :
- made with ScriptableObjects
- Base ability to inherit from and implement abilites
- Cooldown display
Items bag :
- made with ScriptableObjects
- Grid display
- Search item search bar
Health bar :
- Basic health and resources bar
Just making this in case somebody wants a base for a UI system of just to get an idea about where and how to start
Camera Features :
- Camera Rotation with Mouse
- Look around by presseing LeftCtrl + Mouve Mouse
Player Control :
- Basic Mouvement with arrows and WQSD
- Jump with Space
Resources :
- Adding multiple types of resources ([Mana , Rage ,Energy , Wind] so far)
- Alert message when not enough resources for ability ("Not Enough Mana" , "Not Enough Wind" , etc .....)
If you have any questions or ideas feel free to reach out on discord ! Profile ID : Bloodthirst#9565
Free Software, Hell Yeah!