The project is based on an app to book an appointment to try a Car. User see all cars in database and is able to book and try one. User can add and delete a car if user role is admin
[final-capstone-project-front-end] is a...
- Create, Read, and Update Cars
- Book Cars
- Authentication with devise
- Link to Kanban Board
- Link to the screenshot of the initial state of your Kanban board
- Final number of team members - 4
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
npm intall node
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
git clone
Install this project with:
cd backend-microverse-final-capstone
bundle install
To run the project, execute the following command:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails s
To run tests, run the following command:
👤 Alfred Boateng
- GitHub: @learnwithalfred
- Twitter: @kb_alfred
- LinkedIn: @learnwithalfred
👤Eyasu Teshome
- GitHub: @EyasuTeshome
- Twitter: @EyasuTeshome
- LinkedIn: Eyasu Teshome
👤 Dorian Urem
- GitHub: @dodoburner
- Twitter: @DorianUrem
- LinkedIn: Dorian Urem
👤 Tuyishimire Eric
- GitHub: @TuyishimireEric
- LinkedIn: @TuyishimireEric
- E-mail: [email protected]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project...
- Creative Commons for design
This project is MIT licensed.