University of Münster, Germany
- https://lechten.gitlab.io/#me
A reveal.js plugin to support social presence
The Deadlock Empire: Slay dragons, learn concurrency!
An implementation of Org mode without the dependency of Emacs - built for mobile and desktop browsers
Hack-Assembly program to write letters on the screen.
Personal website
An advanced tracking plug-in for reveal.js for purposes like Learning Analytics
Robot Framework in Docker
Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework
The Journal of Open Source Education (JOSE) is an educator-friendly journal for publishing computational learning modules & educational software.
A courseware plugin for Reveal.js
Recipes and build machinery for the biggest Emacs package repo
Slides with interactive code snippets
Klipse is a JavaScript plugin for embedding interactive code snippets in tech blogs.
This is a program for interactively visualizing sorting algorithms.
The functionality of this plugin is now included in reveal.js 4.5.0: https://revealjs.com/jump-to-slide/. Plugin for reveal.js that allows to switch between slides by typing the slide number follow…
org-mode modules for citations, cross-references, bibliographies in org-mode and useful bibtex tools to go with it.
free, modifiable textbook on operating systems principles (Creative Commons)
LaTeX Beamer-like progress indicator according to table of contents for Reveal.js HTML presentations
Exports Org-mode contents to Reveal.js HTML presentation.