A light weight Mondo library.
Version 0.1.0 Alpha - The Mondo API is currently under active development and breaking changes may be introduced.
The Mondo API is still indev and unstable so install directly from Github. Might publish to NPM after they release.
npm install --save https://github.com/lededje/Mondojs
bower install --save https://github.com/lededje/Mondojs
new Mondo(clientId, clientSecret) ⇒ Object
Constructs a new Mondo instance
oauth ⇒ Object
The OAuth instance that was created during construction. Is later used to perform authorized requests.
token ⇒ Object
The token created with you use the auth method. Used to authorize subsequent requests to the API.
auth(username: string, password: string) ⇒ Promise
Used for creating a user token. Run before any other requests.
expired() ⇒ boolean
Checks to see if the token has expired.
refresh() ⇒ Promise
Attempts to refresh the token using the refresh_token acquired from the auth method.
revoke() ⇒ Promise
Always returns a failed promise. This endpoint has not been added by Mondo yet.
accounts() ⇒ Promise
Returns an array of accounts for the authorized user.
balance(accountId: string) ⇒ Promise
Returns balance of the required account. Look up account ids from the accounts method.
transactions(accountId: string) ⇒ Promise
Returns transactions from the provided account linked to the account id.
transaction(transactionId: string) ⇒ Promise
Returns a detailed transaction from a transaction id. Look up transaction ids from the transaction method.
annotate(transactionId: string, annotations: object) ⇒ Promise
Attaches annotations to transactions. Requires transaction ids from the transaction method and a shallow object.
feed(acountId: string, item: Object) ⇒ Promise
Attaches posts to a users feed. Item contains specific parameters. See below.