像我这样的人呢,越穷,还图便宜,剁手了一堆小鸡,又没有那么多实际用处,结果除了挂梯子,只好拿来吃灰,正好看到狗仔小分队大佬的博客:http://xiaofd.win/earn-money-alexamaster-onekey.html 上介绍了一种挂机的方法。
- 运行平台判断,仅适用于Ubuntu 16.04(由狗仔小分队大佬的脚本决定),其他系统不予支持,否则自动退出;
- 下载运行脚本后,输入挂机链接回车确认,即可完成部署,无需其他操作;
- 每隔2分钟自动检测firefox进程是否存在,如果不在了就立马重新启动浏览器,无需人工值守。
- Can only used by Ubuntu Xenial(determined by xiaofd.win's original shell), doesn't support other system.;
- Once download and run it, you only need to input your alexamaster url instead of other operations;
- Check whether firefox process is running every 2 minutes, if it have been killed, this shell will wake it up automatically.
1.1 如果还没有部署VNC+firefox,请先下载并运行:
If you didn't deploy VNC and firefox, you should download and execute it before.
wget xiaofd.github.io/vncam.sh && bash vncam.sh -p 'xiaofd.github.io/others/passwd-d10086' -u 'https://www.alexamaster.net/Master/102724'
2. 使用此脚本驻入系统服务,开启自动挂机:
Download shell and run it to keep hanging!
wget --no-check-certificate -O alexamaster.sh https://git.io/fNKQt && chmod +x alexamaster.sh && bash ./alexamaster.sh
2.1 如何重新修改Alexamaster挂机程序配置?
How to change a new Alexamaster hanging up config?
bash /root/runalexamaster.sh
2.2 如何卸载该服务?
How to uninstall it?
rm -rf /root/alexamaster.sh /root/runalexamaster.sh