Tool for fast rendering of TIN (Triangular Irregular Networks) surface in LandXML format into DEM (Digital Elevation Model) raster files in GeoTIFF format using OpenCL on CPU or GPU
- python3
- GDAL library with python bindings
- OpenCL runtime
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip gdal-bin gdal-data python3-gdal clinfo
Here is the list of OpenCL implementations:
Install runtime corresponding to your GPU
You can use universal runtime POCL and run render with CPU:
sudo apt install pocl-opencl-icd
Check if you have runtime installed
clinfo -l
install package using pip
pip3 install git+ssh://[email protected]/lekks/tin2dem
or checkout from git and run test
sudo apt-get install python3-pytest
py.test-3 tests
usage: [-h] [--pixel PIXEL] [--epsg EPSG] [--chunk CHUNK]
[--margins MARGINS] [--surface SURFACE] [-a]
input_tin output_tiff
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pixel PIXEL Pixel size
--epsg EPSG EPSG code
--chunk CHUNK Processing chunk size, optimal value may depend of your
GPU memory.Default is 256
--margins MARGINS Output DEM margins
--surface SURFACE Surface to render if multiple surfaces is found
-a, --autocad Autocad compatible output (shift on 1/2 pixels)
set PYOPENCL_CTX environment variable if you don't want choose runtime every time, for example:
PYOPENCL_CTX=0 tin2dem tin.xml dem.tif
Render example files from
tin2dem Olympus_Subdivision-2.0.xml Olympus_Subdivision-2.0.tif
Multiple surfaces:
tin2dem siteops.xml siteops.tif --surface=4