aws-msk-iam-sasl-signer-go Public
Forked from aws/aws-msk-iam-sasl-signer-goGo Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 12, 2024 -
awesome-applied-category-theory Public
Forked from statebox/awesome-applied-ctACT community resources
MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2019 -
yaag Public
Forked from betacraft/yaagYet Another ApiDoc Generator (for Golang web apps)
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2018 -
hapi-fhir Public
Forked from hapifhir/hapi-fhirHAPI FHIR - Java API for HL7 FHIR Clients and Servers
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 21, 2018 -
pdf2htmlEX Public
Forked from coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEXConvert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
HTML Other UpdatedJan 10, 2018 -
testify Public
Forked from stretchr/testifyA toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library
Go Other UpdatedDec 6, 2017 -
swagger Public
Forked from yvasiyarov/swaggerSwagger client generator
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 29, 2017 -
lrudolph1.github.io Public
This is the old repository for my GitHub Pages website.
HTML UpdatedSep 25, 2017 -
google-api-go-client Public
Forked from googleapis/google-api-go-clientAuto-generated Google APIs for Go
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 1, 2017 -
This Mathematica notebook implements a ray tracing map for the light from a wormhole. Our approach was based on a paper by Kip Thorne et al. We provide parallelized and nonparallelized versions of …
GenericRPG Public
A web-based multiplayer rpg written in C++
mysql Public
Forked from go-sql-driver/mysqlGo MySQL Driver is a lightweight and fast MySQL driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedOct 25, 2016 -
This repository contains a simple Java-based algorithmic music generator for the Csound audio programming language.
xlrd Public
Forked from python-excel/xlrdLibrary for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
Python UpdatedJul 20, 2015 -
go_paypal_rest Public
Forked from atitsbest/go_paypal_restImplementation of PayPal REST API in Go
Go UpdatedJul 12, 2015 -
stripe-demo-golang Public
Forked from chris-ramon/stripe-demo-golangTesting Stripe API with Go
HTML UpdatedJul 9, 2015 -
paypal Public
Forked from leebenson/paypalPayPal Website Payments Pro API for Go (golang)
Go MIT License UpdatedMar 26, 2015