If you found our analysis pipeline useful for your own research projects, please consider citing:
Zeitler L, Denby Wilkes C, Goldar A, Soutourina J (2022) A quantitative modelling approach for DNA repair on a population scale. PLoS Comput Biol 18(9): e1010488. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010488
or in BibTeX format
doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010488},
author = {Zeitler, Leo AND Denby Wilkes, Cyril AND Goldar, Arach AND Soutourina, Julie},
journal = {PLOS Computational Biology},
publisher = {Public Library of Science},
title = {A quantitative modelling approach for DNA repair on a population scale},
year = {2022},
month = {09},
volume = {18},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010488},
pages = {1-21},
number = {9},
The great advances of sequencing technologies allow the in vivo measurement of nuclear processes---such as DNA repair after UV exposure---over entire cell populations. However, data sets usually contain only a few samples over several hours, missing possibly important information in between time points. We developed a data-driven approach to analyse CPD repair kinetics over time in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast to other studies that consider sequencing signals as an average behaviour, we understand them as the superposition of signals from independent cells. By motivating repair as a stochastic process, we derive a minimal model for which the parameters can be conveniently estimated. We correlate repair parameters to a variety of genomic features that are assumed to influence repair, including transcription rate and nucleosome density. The clearest link was found for the transcription unit length, which has been unreported for budding yeast to our knowledge. The framework hence allows a comprehensive analysis of nuclear processes on a population scale.
Update March 31, 2022: The paper presenting and explaining the model has been uploaded on bioRxiv. Please cite the work if you want to make use of the pipeline.
Update June 20, 2022: A revised version of the paper removing focus from the physical KJMA model and motivating the equations from a biological point of view is currently under review.
Update September 12, 2022: Paper was published by PLOS Computational Biology.
We assume that NGS data represents the cumulative effect of independent cells. In a single cell, CPD damage describes the mispairing of two adjacent pyrimidine nucleobases. Consequently, there can be maximally one lesion per position. This results in a zero-one (i.e. damaged-repaired) state space per position and per cell. During ongoing repair, lesions are removed, and positions change subsequently their state to repaired. It can be assumed that this process is stochastic and involves to some extent unpredictable noise. We assume that repair time distribution can be investigated with a Poisson point process, which allows the derivation of a predictive function that expresses the probability of repair over time. We conjecture that the dynamics are independent between cells. The CPD-seq data can be therefore alternatively interpreted as a two-dimensional grid: one axis representing the cells and the other the nucleotide positions.
We conjecture that repair proteins move through random Brownian motions (diffusion) to the repair sites, subsequently associate to the DNA and remove the lesion. The entirety of this process can be understood as a mixture of two random processes: diffusion and waiting/repair. This allows the derivation of the following equation
We consider the following model. An abstract repair protein can randomly associate to any position in the DNA. When bound to a lesion, the damage is repaired. This represents the collective work of the involved repair proteins without specifying the exact kinetics. Within a single cell, the probability of finding and repairing a lesion at position x is dependent on the number of DNA breaks present in the genome. During ongoing repair, it is hence decreasing as a function of time. However, the probability of observing a decrease in the final CPD signal--therefore to perceive repair in the probed data--is additionally dependent on the number of cells N that possess a lesion at x. It is intuitive that N also decreases as a function of time. Thus, a one-dimensional treatment assumes the fraction of repaired lesions f to be changing with d proportional to t, whereas the two-dimensional process assumes df proportional to t^2. It is therefore crucial to include the second dimension in order to correctly represent CPD repair with respect to the given data. Such an interpretation permits the application of an adapted Kolmogorov-Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (KJMA) model. For a further description on the KJMA model see the material provided by the University of Utah.
The code requires python3.8
if plotting is used. Otherwise any other python version >=3 should
be sufficient. It is recommended to have pip
installed to deploy the necessary requirements.
Once done, run
python3.8 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Property | Strain | Data type | UV Dose | Reference |
CPD | BY4741 (WT) | CPD-seq | 125 J/m$^2$ | [1] |
Abf1 | BY4742 (WT) | ChIP-seq | 100 J/m$^2$ (0min) | [2] |
H2A.Z | BY4742 (WT) | ChIP-seq | 100 J/m$^2$ (0min) | [2] |
Nucleosome distr. | BY4742 (WT) | MNase-seq | 100 J/m$^2$ (0min) | [2] |
Transcription rate | YSC001 (WT) | NET-seq | - | [3] |
Transcription coordinates | BY4741 (WT) | Coordinates | - | [4] |
To download the data, run the provided script
bash fetchData.bash
It will also download the files in the required file structure and with the expected naming. If naming or file structure is changed, the code won't work.
We developed a command line tool for an easy and intuitive use. It can be applied to any region in order to determine the model parameters and to make predictions about the repair fraction for different time points. Results for the positive and negative strand are subsequently written to a file. Run
python3.8 kjmaPrediction.py --chrom=chrVI --start=53260 --end=54696 [-t 15 30 45 55 90 --min_f=0.5 --max_f=1. --delta_f=0.01 --save_fig --save_prefix=test --num_cpus=1 --verbosity=1]
for the example of ACT1.
: various time points--min_f
: minimum fraction of cells which are expected to repair all lesions in the region--max_f
: maximum fraction of cells which are expected to repair all lesions in the region (recommended to be set to 1)--save_fig
: If verbosity parameter is set accordingly, produced figures are saved instead of displayed--save_prefix
: prefix that is added to the file name--num_cpus
: Number of CPUs used for the parameter estimation. As the computations are lightweight, a single CPU should be sufficient. A larger number is likely to result in higher overhead costs. The parameter is more important for the experimental setup to estimate parameters for a large number of regions--verbosity
: verbosity level expressed as an integer
Commandline outputs starting with ###
are from the main script. Other lines that do not have this prefix are produced
by subscripts.
We distinguish between two schemes. The first categorises the data into transcribed strand (TS) and non-transcribed strand (NTS) as well as the plus and minus strand of intergenic regions (in the following referenced as gene setup). In the second approach we introduce the notion of transcription-coupled repair region (TCR regions). They are defined as genes that exhibit more efficient repair than intergenic regions within the first 20 minutes. We furthermore partition the TS and NTS of TCR regions into beginning (in the following sometimes also called start), centre, and end. For the intergenic regions we combined both strands. All experiments that follow this design are named TCR setup. An example is given in the figure below
The code is divided into several scripts. Some of that some others were run before to create the necessary data files. Follow the explanations below.
Almost all scripts depend on the KJMA parameters that were created before. When running the
script findJMAKParameters.py
, the parameters are saved as a csv
file (or rather tab separated values) and can be
subsequently loaded by another software library (e.g. pandas
for Python) or even Excel.
python3.8 findJMAKParameters.py [--do_each --no_tcr --save_fig --verbosity=3 --save_prefix=""]
and change the parameters accordingly. Use the --do_each
flag for creating the parameters for
the TCR setup. If you're interested in the gene configuration, use
. We used two flags to investigate other possibilities, but they
were not contributing to the final result. Use only one of the flags at a time
to reproduce the results. If --save_fig
is not set, the created plots (whose level of detail can be
set with the verbosity flag) are displayed. If --save_fig
is used, you can define a
to find unique identifiers for different experiments. In order to list all
possible parameters with detailed description, run
python3.8 findJMAKParameters.py --help
The plots can be created by running the bioPlotting.py
script. IMPORTANT: the KJMA parameters must have been created
python3.8 bioPlotting.py --bio_type=netseq [--do_each --use_tcr --save_fig --save_prefix=""]
The --bio_type
parameter is required. You can choose between
: Transcription ratenucl
: Nucleosome occupancyabf1
: Abf1 occupancyh2a
: H2A.Z distributionsize
: Size of the transcriptmeres
: Relative distance to telomeres or centromeres (minimum of both)
Only TS and NTS of transcribed regions are considered for the parameters netseq
and size
. As described in the previous section, set --do_ech
or --use_tcr
, depending on the
experimental setup of interest. --save_fig
and --save_prefix
define whether and with what identifier plots
are saved as a file. Find a list of all parameters with description by typing
python3.8 bioPlotting.py --help
The KJMA parameters can be correlated with genomic data by running either the mainPredict.py
or the predict.py
IMPORTANT: the KJMA parameters must have been created before.
runs the experimental routine that was used in the study. All parameter are already set in the script.
However, it assumes to be run on a server with minimum 35 cores. If you run it on a machine which does not fulfill
the presumed number of cores, the code will run orders of magnitude slower (although it would still work). In that
case, change line num_cpus = 35
to the number of cores your machine can support. We would also advise you in that scenario
to reduce the number of trials to a lower number (line with num_trials = 100
). 10 should be sufficient to provide similar results.
To use mainPredict.py
, simply run
python3.8 mainPredict.py
In case you want to have more flexibility, you can run the predict.py
script, which is also invoked by
python3.8 predict.py --bio_type=netseq --ml_type=knn [--do_each --no_tcr --neg_random --verbosity=4 --kneighbour=10 --num_classes=2 --save_fig --save_prefix=""]
It is required to set --bio_type
and --ml_type
. For --bio_type
you have the same options as described in the
section before (Plot Parameters as a Function of Biological Data). For the ml_type
, we initially compared the kNN
to other machine learning methods. You can choose between
: k-nearest neighbour approach.gp
: Gaussian process that treats it as a regression problem, rather than a classification problem. The number of classes are ignored.lin
: This setup tries to find a linear gradient that was potentially indicated by the plots created with thebioPlotting.py
scripts. Classes are used and define the granularity.
Set --do_each
and --neg_random
as described before. When setting --neg_random
, class labels are randomly shuffled
and assigned to a new KJMA parameter set. This provides a negative control. --num_classes
sets the number of classes which are used in the classfication.
In case of --num_classes=2
, biological data is partitioned into high and low values. --kneighbour
is only used when --ml_type=knn
and is ignored otherwise.
It defines the number of neighbours that are used in the kNN approach. --verbosity
, --save_fig
and --save_prefix
are as defined before.
For a full list of parameters with description run
python3.8 predict.py --help
Before running plotError.py
, it is necessary to bring the data into the expected format. This is done with a seperate
script because it only needs to be done once. This is done by dataFomratter.py
IMPORTANT: the script assumes that mainPredict.py
(or a similar setup with the predict.py
) was run before.
To convert the error data from the prediction scripts into the right format, run
python3.8 dataFormatter.py --array_dir="" --save_prefix="" --max_iter=100
The --array_dir
parameter defines where the error files are saved. --max_iter
sets how many error files
to consider maximally per each setup (e.g. 10-NN netseq data). --save_prefix
is used as described in the sections before.
In case mainPredict.py
was used, none of the parameters need to be changed.
Once the data has been brought into the right fromat, plotError.py
can then be run by
python3.8 plotError.py pthresh=0.00001 --array_dir="" --save_fig
defines the threshold when to consider a distribution sufficiently different using a t-test. The value must be between
0 and 1. --array_dir
and --save_fig
as before. If the same setup as in the study is used, these parameters don't need to be changed.
For a list of all parameters (that is partially also used for the dataFormatter.py
) run
python3.8 plotError.py --help
[1] Mao, Peng, et al. "Chromosomal landscape of UV damage formation and repair at single-nucleotide resolution." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.32 (2016): 9057-9062.
[2] van Eijk, Patrick, et al. "Nucleosome remodeling at origins of global genome–nucleotide excision repair occurs at the boundaries of higher-order chromatin structure." Genome research 29.1 (2019): 74-84.
[3] Harlen, Kevin M., et al. "Comprehensive RNA polymerase II interactomes reveal distinct and varied roles for each phospho-CTD residue." Cell reports 15.10 (2016): 2147-2158.
[4] Park, Daechan, et al. "Simultaneous mapping of transcript ends at single-nucleotide resolution and identification of widespread promoter-associated non-coding RNA governed by TATA elements." Nucleic acids research 42.6 (2014): 3736-3749.