The starting template for the application can be found inside src/index.html
The task is to write a simple todo list application that:
- Allows the user to add a task by typing into the
field and clicking on the Add button.- The task will be added to the existing list of tasks and has the state of active.
- An active task will have a Complete button and a Delete button.
- Allows the user to mark am active task as complete.
- The task will be decorated with a strikethrough.
- The Complete button will not be shown, instead show Uncomplete.
- Allows the user to mark a completed task as active.
- Allows the user to delete a task.
- The task will be removed from the list of existing tasks.
The markup for an active task and a completed task is being shown in index.html
, you are required to remove these task templates after completing the applicaton.
You are not allowed to use any JavaScript MVC framework / library (e.g. React, Angular, Backbone). The application has to be built with jQuery or vanilla JavaScript. Utility libraries (e.g. Underscore) is allowed.
- Persist the todo list state across sessions using a storage option of your choice.
- Show confirmation prompts before removal of tasks.
- Allow editing of text of active tasks.
- Show a count of total tasks / active tasks / completed tasks.
- Add a button to remove all completed tasks.
- Tests?