A small collection of functions that simplify the use of Enlive for parsing websites.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[webparse "0.1.0"]
Three functions:
A higher order fn that takes a node, extracts the :href attribute and, optionnaly takes a domain name as argument and adds it at the beginning of the URL.
- Use
instead of#(:href (:attrs %))
- Use
(href "http://www.site.com")
instead of#(str "http://www.site.com" (:href (:attrs %)))
Like html/text but a higher order fn that can optionally take a negative nbr of char to substract at beginning and at the end.
- Use
(text -5)
instead of#(apply str (drop 5 (html/text %)))
- Use
(text -5 -2)
instead of#(apply str (drop-last 2 (drop 5 (html/text %))))
Like html/select but optionnaly accepts a trimming fn as a last selector item.
- Use
(select+ a-node [:a (html/text)])
instead of(map (html/text) (html/select a-node [:a]))
Copyright © 2013 Léon Talbot
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.