Development has been postponed for now, but feel free to make any pull requests. Games and Stuff is a frontend UI for launching games hosted online. I mainly use repl.it to host, but by editing the source code you can redirect to what ever.
The main interface. It is written in Haxe using OpenFL and HaxeFlixel.
It is represented as launch
Before building, you'll need to install Haxe. Go to https://haxe.org/download/ and install it.
Once it is installed, open your terminal as admin and write the commands:
haxelib install flixel
haxelib install flixel-addons
haxelib install openfl
haxelib install lime
haxelib run lime setup
Then run any of the bat files, then it should work! For native builds, make sure you have at least 2GB of space.
Currently supported platforms are: Windows, iOS WebApp, Xbox One or Xbox Series X/S via Microsoft Edge and the Web. I plan to expand support to PS5 Browser, Nintendo Switch hidden browser via SwitchBru, and native applications for Linux and macOS. You can read on how to install it on each device here.
An easy to access way to go directly to games and stuff without having to install the entire launcher. It is written in HTML.
It is represented as cut
Windows only for now as it is an HTA Application.
Some of the things that are in my app I do not own, such as game logos and game characters. An update will be out soon where it adds the developers of the games under the game logo.