MiT-MFIF, an multi-focus image fusion model, fuses input images with varying depths of field into a comprehensive all-in-focus image. It introduces MiT, a novel vision transformer architecture, ensuring both local and global connectivity. Remarkably, MiT-MFIF achieves MFIF without additional post-processing steps, streamlining the fusion process and boosting efficiency. Our evaluations, qualitative and quantitative, affirm its superior performance over existing methods, predicting more accurate focus maps.
For a comprehensive understanding and deeper insights, we invite you to explore the paper.
MiT-MFIF is coded with PyTorch.
It requires the following installations:
python 3.8.3
pytorch (1.7.1)
cuda 11.1
Given a dataset root path in which there are folders containing input multi-focus images and corresponding all-in-focus images, you can train your own model.
We follow the MFIF-GAN to generate training data from Pascal VOC12 dataset.
You may find the test data under the datasets folder. Please refer to the related papers if you use them in your research.
M. Nejati, S. Samavi, S. Shirani, "Multi-focus Image Fusion Using Dictionary-Based Sparse Representation", Information Fusion, vol. 25, Sept. 2015, pp. 72-84.
Xu, S., Wei, X., Zhang, C., Liu, J., & Zhang, J. (2020). MFFW: A new dataset for multi-focus image fusion. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.04780.
Zhang, H., Le, Z., Shao, Z., Xu, H., & Ma, J. (2021). MFF-GAN: An unsupervised generative adversarial network with adaptive and gradient joint constraints for multi-focus image fusion. Information Fusion, 66, 40-53.
You can train MiT-MFIF using the following script.
python --root_traindata ./mfif_dataset/ --model_save_dir ./models/ --model_name mfif
You can test MiT-MFIF using the following script. You can reach the pre-trained model under the "model" directory.
python --root_testdata ./datasets --test_dataset LytroDataset --root_result ./results --root_model ./models/ --model_name mit-mfif_best
To evaluate the MiT-MFIF, we utilize the following Matlab implementations.
In our code, some code pieces are adapted from the STTN, LocalViT, and pix2pixHD.
We have included the results for three datasets (Lytro, MFFW, MFI-WHU) in the "results" folder.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions regarding MiT-MFIF or to explore collaboration opportunities in solving diverse computer vision and image processing challenges. For additional details about my research please visit my personal webpage.
title = {Multi-image transformer for multi-focus image fusion},
journal = {Signal Processing: Image Communication},
volume = {119},
pages = {117058},
year = {2023},
issn = {0923-5965},
doi = {},
author = {Levent Karacan}