This project is developed with MERN (MongoDB - Express - React - Node) stack. It was developed with the guidance of the Udemy course. I changed the payment method from PayPal to Stripe.
For both backend and frontend side of the project:
After cloning the project, use the command below for the necessary npm packages for backend. You must execute the command in the project root directory ().
...\mern-eCommerce-app> npm install
Run the same npm install
command in the frontend directory of the project.
...\mern-eCommerce-app\frontend> npm install
You can find the backend and frontend usage steps below:
Before using the API, you must set the MONGO_URI value in the .env file. Change the name of the ".env_sample" to ".env" then add your environment variables to this file.
Run the npm start
in the root directory and go check the http://localhost:5000/ for backend API.
You must be seeing the "API is running" message on the browser then you can also test it from application like Postman.
package is used for running backend and frontend at the same time. Run the command below for starting up the project.
...\mern-eCommerce-app> npm run dev
Then check http://localhost:3000/ address for the home page of the project.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.