- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet-rt
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
This module manages installation and configuration Request Tracker (RT) installation and configuration
Module installs and configures RT.
Module installs (including dependencies):
- rt
This can be overwritten using package parameter of rt class
Modules manages files:
- /etc/rt/RT_SiteConfig.pm
- /etc/rt/RT_SiteConfig.d/*.pm
For a basic setup with a default configuration parameters it's just enough to declare rt class inside the manifest
include ::rt
To pass any configuration parameters the siteconfig hash parameter is used. siteconfig is merged with defaultsiteconfig from params.pp and pushed to /etc/rt/RT_SiteConfig.pm configuration file
siteconfig must be a hash that contains proper RT's configuration options:
# Base configurations
rtname: 'example.com'
Organization: 'example'
OwnerEmail: '[email protected]'
TimeZone: 'US/Pacific'
# Web configurations
WebPath: '/rt'
WebDefaultStylesheet: 'web2'
include ::rt
The list of all options is available here: https://docs.bestpractical.com/rt/4.4.0/RT_Config.html
Configuration options can be managed using .pm files in /etc/rt/RT_SiteConfig.d directory. This is implemented using rt::siteconfig define.
value: 'example.com'
value: '/rt'
$siteconfigs = hiera('rt::siteconfigs', {})
create_resources('rt::siteconfig', $siteconfigs)
- osfamily => RedHat
- if getenforce == Enforcing
- setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail 1 1