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Code Repo for EMNLP paper: Do LLMs Know to Respect Copyright Notice
Holistic Evaluation of Language Models (HELM), a framework to increase the transparency of language models ( This framework is also used to evaluate text-to-image …
Writing AI Conference Papers: A Handbook for Beginners
News Aggregator - Aggregates news articles from several RSS feeds, fetches full-text if possible, sorts them by relevance (based on user settings), and display on distraction-free homepage.
Unofficial Docker image for the fivefilters Full-Text RSS service
News Aggregator - Aggregates news articles from several RSS feeds, fetches full-text if possible, sorts them by relevance (based on user settings), and display on distraction-free homepage.
SUQL: Conversational Search over Structured and Unstructured Data with LLMs
Course to get into Large Language Models (LLMs) with roadmaps and Colab notebooks.
Materials for the Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery course.
GPT4 based personalized ArXiv paper assistant bot
Implementation of NAACL 2024 Outstanding Paper "LM-Infinite: Simple On-the-Fly Length Generalization for Large Language Models"
Llama from scratch, or How to implement a paper without crying
A curated list of practical guide resources of LLMs (LLMs Tree, Examples, Papers)
Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model
It is my belief that you, the postgraduate students and job-seekers for whom the book is primarily meant will benefit from reading it; however, it is my hope that even the most experienced research…
Power CLI and Workflow manager for LLMs (core package)
🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站 Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo and GitHub. No code.
Tips for Writing a Research Paper using LaTeX
Minimalist implementation of a GPT2 with Language Model Head with PyTorch Lightning, Transformers and PyTorch-NLP.
🌟 Wiki of OI / ICPC for everyone. (某大型游戏线上攻略,内含炫酷算术魔法)