Universal LLM Deployment Engine with ML Compilation
Implementation of some unbalanced loss like focal_loss, dice_loss, DSC Loss, GHM Loss
A matting method that combines dynamic 2D foreground layers and a 3D background model.
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Android 工程师进阶手册(8 年 Android 开发者的成长感悟)
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jadepeng / bing-wallpaper
Forked from kompiuter/bing-wallpaperBing每日壁纸,自动获取Bing的精美图片设置为壁纸,并且支持随机切换历史壁纸,查看壁纸故事
《Machine Learning Systems: Design and Implementation》- Chinese Version
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💻 A complete plan for better android developers.(continuous updating ...)
A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
A fast library for AutoML and tuning. Join our Discord:
Kotlin 资源大全,包括教程文章、开源库和框架、Demo 等,由掘金技术社区整理和维护。
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Python package for Causal Discovery by learning the graphical structure of Bayesian networks. Structure Learning, Parameter Learning, Inferences, Sampling methods.