An annotated implementation of the Transformer paper.
Code and data realeases for the paper -- TasTe: Teaching Large Language Models to Translate through Self-Reflection
The official code of the 2023 ACL paper "Enhancing Grammatical Error Correction Systems with Explanations"
The repository of EMNLP 2023 "MixEdit: Revisiting Data Augmentation and Beyond for Grammatical Error Correction"
This dataset contains synthetic training data for grammatical error correction. The corpus is generated by corrupting clean sentences from C4 using a tagged corruption model. The approach and the d…
[NeurIPS 2024] SimPO: Simple Preference Optimization with a Reference-Free Reward
This repository provides an implementation of the paper "A Simple yet Effective Training-free Prompt-free Approach to Chinese Spelling Correction Based on Large Language Models".
GAOKAO-Bench is an evaluation framework that utilizes GAOKAO questions as a dataset to evaluate large language models.
《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
Fast + Non-Autoregressive Grammatical Error Correction using BERT. Code and Pre-trained models for paper "Parallel Iterative Edit Models for Local Sequence Transduction":…
[EMNLP 2021] LM-Critic: Language Models for Unsupervised Grammatical Error Correction
Single-blind supplementary materials for NeurIPS 2023 submission
Implementation of ACL 2024 findings "Improving Grammatical Error Correction via Contextual Data Augmentation"
Repository to collect and categorize Grammatical Error Correction papers.
Source code of paper "Alirector: Alignment-Enhanced Chinese Grammatical Error Corrector" (Findings of ACL 2024)
Source code of ACL 2023 accepted paper "AD-KD: Attribution-Driven Knowledge Distillation for Language Model Compression"
Finding of ACL2023: Clustering-Aware Negative Sampling for Unsupervised Sentence Representation
The repository for ACL 2023 paper: Disentangled Phonetic Representation for Chinese Spelling Correction
The official implementation of Self-Play Fine-Tuning (SPIN)
A generative speech model for daily dialogue.
Multilingual Voice Understanding Model
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of "GECToR -- Grammatical Error Correction: Tag, Not Rewrite"
MaksTarnavskyi / gector-large
Forked from grammarly/gectorImproved version of GECToR
Convert Standard M2 format to parallel sentences.