Convert markdown file to impress.js slides
- support github flavored markdown, thanks marked
- support highlight code by using highlight.js
- all js/css are embed in html file, so one file is everything
- the syntax do not break original markdown presentation, it is compatible
npm install -g
- level 1 header and leval 2 header construct a slide
- use
[](attr1=value, attr2=value2)
to set impress.js properties - See the example, markdown file [markdown file] > slides.html
var impress_md = require('');
// first parameter is the path of markdown file
// second parameter are options
// return a Promise
impress_md(markdown_file, {
marked: { //a object, the options of marked
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: false,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: true,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
highlight_style: 'solarized_dark', //the style of highlight
js_files: [], // the js files will attached
css_files:[], // the css files will attached
.then(function(html) {
// target html
}, function(err) {
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