#{bee} framework
a rapid dev framework for iOS.
by geek, for geek.
#####It's possible to develop an iOS app in less than 3 days.
Lastest version: http://www.bee-framework.com/download/bee_SDK_0_3_0.zip
##Join us
QQ Group: 79054681
website: http://www.bee-framework.com
email: [email protected]
google groups: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/beeframework?hl=zh-CN
##v0.3.0 changes
Fully support for MacOS
Fully support for UI template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ui id="test"> <layout> <container orientation="vertical" autoresize_height="false"> <view class="BeeUIButton" id="welcome" h="60%" style="welcome"/> <space h="2.5%"/> <container orientation="horizonal" h="10%"> <space w="4%"/> <view class="BeeUIButton" id="facebook" w="92%" style="facebook"/> <space w="4%"/> </container> <space h="2.5%"/> <container orientation="horizonal" h="10%"> <space w="4%"/> <view class="BeeUIButton" id="twitter" w="44%" style="twitter"/> <space w="4%"/> <view class="BeeUIButton" id="google" w="44%" style="google"/> <space w="4%"/> </container> <space h="2.5%"/> <container orientation="horizonal" h="10%"> <space w="4%"/> <view class="BeeUIButton" id="sign-up" w="44%" style="sign-up"/> <space w="4%"/> <view class="BeeUIButton" id="sign-in" w="44%" style="sign-in"/> <space w="4%"/> </container> </container> </layout> <style id="welcome"> font: '24, bold'; color: #369; text: "We are the champion!"; </style> <style id="facebook"> { "font" : "18, bold", "color" : "#666", "text" : "Facebook" } </style> <style id="twitter"> { "font" : "18, bold", "color" : "#666", "text" : "Twitter" } </style> <style id="google"> { "font" : "18, bold", "color" : "#666", "text" : "Google" } </style> <style id="sign-up"> font: '18, bold'; color: #666; text: "Sign up"; </style> <style id="sign-in"> font: '18, bold'; color: #666; text: "Sign in"; </style> </ui>
Fully support for UI query syntax, like jQUERY:
(in any view/viewController, you can coding like below:)
(see Lesson 14)$(@"*").HIDE()...; $(@"#a").HIDE()....; $(@"h > i").HIDE()....; $(@".BeeUILabel").HIDE()....; $(@"h").BEFORE( [BeeUILabel class], @"h3" ); $(@"h").AFTER( [BeeUILabel class], @"h4" ); NSAssert( $(@"h3").NEXT().view == $(@"h").view, @"" ); NSAssert( $(@"h4").PREV().view == $(@"h").view, @"" ); $(@"h").EMPTY(); NSAssert( $(@"h").CHILDREN().count == 0, @"" ); NSAssert( 0 == $(@"h > i").count, @"" ); NSAssert( 0 == $(@"h > j").count, @"" ); NSAssert( $(@"h3").count > 0, @"" ); NSAssert( $(@"h4").count > 0, @"" ); $(@"h").REMOVE(); NSAssert( 0 == $(@"h").count, @"" ); NSAssert( 0 == $(@"h > i").count, @"" ); NSAssert( 0 == $(@"h > j").count, @"" ); NSAssert( $(@"h3").count > 0, @"" ); NSAssert( $(@"h4").count > 0, @"" ); $(self).EMPTY(); NSAssert( $(self).CHILDREN().count == 0, @"" ); NSAssert( $(self).CHILDREN().count == 0, @"" );
Fully support for template/viewController signal bridging by ID:
<view id="twitter"/>
- (void)handleUISignal_twitter:(BeeUISignal *)signal { [super handleUISignal:signal]; if ( [signal is:BeeUIButton.TOUCH_UP_INSIDE] ) { // TODO: } }
Fix some bugs
##v0.2.3 changes
Refactoring the directory structure, Core and MVC completely separated, and the source files and the extensions completely separated
Refactoring the code structure of BeeDatabase and BeeActiveRecord, more clearly
Support the ActiveRecord inherition and nesting, support HAS/BELONG_TO operations, such as:
@interface Location : BeeActiveRecord ... @end @interface User : BeeActiveRecord ... @end @interface User2 : User @property (nonatomic, retain) Location * location; ... @end Magzine * magzine = ...; Article.DB.BELONG_TO( magzine ).GET_RECORDS(); Article.DB.BELONG_TO( magzine ).SAVE_ARRAY( result ); Article * article = ...; Magzine.DB.HAS( article ).GET_RECORDS();
(follow-up version will add more RUBY-like advanced features)
Support dot(.) opertions for BeeRequest & BeeMessage, such as:
self .HTTP_GET( @"http://www.qq.com" ) .HEADER( @"header1", @"xxx" ) .HEADER( @"header2", @"xxx" ) .HEADER( @"header3", @"xxx" ) .PARAM( @"key1", @"xxx" ) .PARAM( @"key2", @"xxx" ) .PARAM( @"key3", @"xxx" ) .FILE( @"photo1.png", [NSData data] ) .FILE( @"photo2.png", [NSData data] ) .FILE( @"photo3.png", [NSData data] ); self .MSG( ArticleController.GET_ARTICLES ) .TIMEOUT( 10.0f ) .INPUT( @"magzine", _magzine );
Fix some bugs (Thanks, I love U all!)
##v0.2 changes
self.DB .TABLE( @"tableName" ) .FIELD( @"id", @"INTEGER", 12 ).PRIMARY_KEY().AUTO_INREMENT() .FIELD( @"field1", @"TEXT", 20 ) .FIELD( @"field2", @"TEXT", 64 ) .CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS(); NSAssert( self.DB.succeed, nil );
self.DB .FROM( @"tableName" ) .WHERE( @"key", @"value" ) .GET(); NSAssert( self.DB.resultArray.count > 0, nil );
Fantastic BeeActiveRecord:
// UserInfo.h
@interface UserInfo : BeeActiveRecord { NSNumber * _uid; NSString * _name; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * uid; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * name; @end
// UserInfo.m
@implementation UserInfo @synthesize uid = _uid; @synthesize name = _name;
- (void)mapRelation { [self mapPropertyAsKey:@"uid"]; [self mapProperty:@"name"]; } @end
// Test.m
{ // style1 UserInfo.DB .SET( @"name", @"gavin" ) .INSERT();
// style2 UserInfo * user = [[UserInfo alloc] init]; user.name = @"amanda"; user.INSERT();
New overload graph:
Fix some bugs
Move precompile options to 'Bee_Precompile.h'
##v0.1 changes
##Companies are using {bee}
A. China Mobile, http://www.chinamobileltd.com/en/global/home.php
B. China Unicom, http://www.chinaunicom.com.cn/
C. China Telecom, http://www.chinatelecom.com.cn/
D. Tencent, http://www.qq.com/
E. Baidu, http://www.baidu.com/
F. Sina, http://www.sina.com.cn/
G. iFeng, http://www.ifeng.com/
H. Novagin, http://www.novagin.com/cn/index.htm
I. IGRS Lab, http://www.tivic.com/
J. Front network, http://www.frontnetwork.com/
K. Middling industries, http://www.middlingindustries.com/
L. iLouShi, http://www.iloushi.cn/
M. Duopeng, http://www.duopeng.com/
N. VoiceFrom, http://voicefrom.me/
O. Distance Education Group, http://www.sdeg.cn/sdegPortal/
P. MesonTech, http://www.mesontech.com.cn/home/mesontech.jsp
##Apps are using {bee}
- Sina Finance(新浪财经)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xin-lang-cai-jing/id430165157?mt=8 - Mengtu(萌图)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/meng-tu/id531292307?mt=8 - iLoushi(i楼市)
https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id428916075?mt=8(iPad) - Duopeng(多朋)
http://www.duopeng.com/ - Yiban(易班)
https://itunes.apple.com/app/yi-ban/id549775029?mt=8 - Golden carp(金鲤鱼理财)
https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id584687764 - Tivic(TV客)
http://mobile.91.com/Soft/Detail.aspx?Platform=iPhone&f_id=1373668 - Middling(Middling图书)
- Mac OS X 10.6, Xcode 4
- iOS 4.0 or Higher
- BeeDebugger/
- BeeFramework/
- Core/: Bee Core
- MVC/: Bee MVC
- External/
- Example/
- Documention/
- Open Example/WhatsBug.xcodeproj
- Build and run
- Copy files below into your project folder:
a. BeeFramework/ b. BeeDebugger/ c. BeeUnitTest/ d. External/ - Drag and drop into your XCode project
- Add Framework:
a. libz.dlib
b. libsqlite3.dylib c. libxml2.dylib d. AVFoundation.framework e. CFNetwork.framework
f. CoreMedia.framework g. CoreVideo.framework h. CoreGraphics.framework
i. Foundation.framework
j. MobileCoreServies.framework (ASI)
k. QuartzCore.framework
l. Security.framework (MD5)
m. SystemConfiguration.framework (Reachibility)
n. UIKit.framework - Modify your precompile header file:
a. #define _BEE_DEVELOPMENT_ (1)
b. #define _BEE_LOG_ (1)
... - Build and run
- Good luck
This fork is for porting to cocoapods
use cocoapods to enjoy your development
just add
platform :ios
pod 'BeeFramework', :head
to Podfile
and run pod install