University of Colorado at Boulder
- Pro
keras-io Public
Forked from keras-team/keras-ioKeras documentation, hosted live at keras.io
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 24, 2023 -
otter-grader Public
Forked from ucbds-infra/otter-graderA Python and R autograding solution
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 4, 2022 -
robonav-gnn Public
Clustering in grids using GNN
ogb Public
Forked from snap-stanford/ogbBenchmark datasets, data loaders, and evaluators for graph machine learning
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 3, 2021 -
SPTM Public
Forked from nsavinov/SPTM[ICLR 2018] Tensorflow/Keras code for Semi-parametric Topological Memory for Navigation
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 7, 2021 -
AISpace2 Public
Forked from AISpace2/AISpace2Notebooks for learning AI.
Vue GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 27, 2019 -
aima-python Public
Forked from aimacode/aima-pythonPython implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2019 -
comma_ai Public
Forked from commaai/researchcomma.ai for the people to experiment with
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 22, 2017 -
preprocess_lending_club_data Public
Forked from nateGeorge/preprocess_lending_club_dataPre-processes lending club loan data and concatenates into one large file.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2017 -
lending_club_EDA Public
Forked from nateGeorge/lending_club_EDAJupyter notebooks exploring lendingclub data.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 4, 2017 -
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowComputation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 20, 2016 -
docker-cheat-sheet Public
Forked from wsargent/docker-cheat-sheetDocker Cheat Sheet
UpdatedNov 5, 2016 -
self-driving-car Public
Forked from udacity/self-driving-carInformation about the Udacity open source self-driving car project
CMake MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2016 -
tensorflow-vgg Public
Forked from machrisaa/tensorflow-vggTensorflow implementation of VGG 16 and VGG 19
Python UpdatedAug 9, 2016 -
kaggle-otto Public
Kaggle competition in 2015: Otto group product classification
R UpdatedAug 2, 2016 -
librosa Public
Forked from librosa/librosaPython library for audio and music analysis
Python ISC License UpdatedJul 22, 2016 -
deep-residual-networks Public
Forked from KaimingHe/deep-residual-networksDeep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
MIT License UpdatedJul 4, 2016 -
ThinkDSP Public
Forked from AllenDowney/ThinkDSPLaTeX source and Python code for "Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python", by Allen B. Downey.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 7, 2016 -
awesome-deep-learning-papers Public
Forked from terryum/awesome-deep-learning-papersUpdatedJun 6, 2016