A rule-based tunnel for Android.
uv-ui 破釜沉舟之兼容vue3+2、app、h5、小程序等多端基于uni-app和uView2.x的生态框架,支持单独导入,开箱即用,利剑出击。
🤖 Spring Boot 2.x 实践案例(实用)
Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
TwelveMonkeys ImageIO: Additional plug-ins and extensions for Java's ImageIO
Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
🚀🚀🚀A faster, better and more stable Redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac.
🚌 The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into Elasticsearch and OpenSearch, support customized dictionary.
A web front end for an elastic search cluster
A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
ELK Training
The JavaScript version of Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC)
AI Native Data App Development framework with AWEL(Agentic Workflow Expression Language) and Agents
Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux)
一个基于微软OpenAI ChatGPT GPT4的New Bing接口的Web服务。 提供了好看的对话页面。 实现了微软New Bing的大多数功能,还添加了一些自己的特色功能。 开源免费。
Heimdall is a tool to perform import, export, direct SQL query and format conversion on excel files. Currently supports json, yaml, markdown, csv, xlsx, html, sql ...
Generate API documents to any place: YApi, RAP2, Eolink, etc.
🔥 🎉newbee-mall是一套电商系统,包括基础版本(Spring Boot+Thymeleaf)、前后端分离版本(Spring Boot+Vue 3+Element-Plus+Vue-Router 4+Pinia+Vant 4) 、秒杀版本、Go语言版本、微服务版本(Spring Cloud Alibaba+Nacos+Sentinel+Seata+Spring Cloud Gatew…
🔥 该仓库中主要是 Spring Boot 的入门学习教程以及一些常用的 Spring Boot 实战项目教程,包括 Spring Boot 使用的各种示例代码,同时也包括一些实战项目的项目源码和效果展示,实战项目包括基本的 web 开发以及目前大家普遍使用的线上博客项目/企业大型商城系统/前后端分离实践项目等,摆脱各种 hello world 入门案例的束缚,真正的掌握 Spring Bo…