Dynamic java method AOP hook for Android(continution of Dexposed on ART), Supporting 5.0~11
Dynamic iOS-like blur of underlying Views for Android
A GUI inspector for mobile apps and more, powered by a (separately installed) Appium server
Appium driver for Android UIAutomator2
Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform, open source library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse.
A web interface to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of RAWGraphs core
深度学习入门课、资深课、特色课、学术案例、产业实践案例、深度学习知识百科及面试题库The course, case and knowledge of Deep Learning and AI
A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers.
PaddlePaddle High Performance Deep Learning Inference Engine for Mobile and Edge (飞桨高性能深度学习端侧推理引擎)
Off-The-Shelf AI Development Kit for APP Developers based on Paddle Lite (『飞桨』移动端开箱即用AI套件, 包含Java & Objective C接口支持)
demos to help understand plugin framwork
A privacy-friendly Twitter frontend for mobile devices
Yoga is an embeddable layout engine targeting web standards.
📌每工作日更新一道 Android 面试题,小聚成河,大聚成江,共勉之~
Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions and Answers
神策数据官方 Android 埋点插件,用于 Android 端的数据采集。通过使用字节码插桩(ASM)的技术实现 Android 端的全埋点(无埋点、无码埋点、无痕埋点、自动埋点)。
A gradle plugin that merge dependencies into the final aar file works with AGP 3.+
🔥 xCrash provides the Android app with the ability to capture java crash, native crash and ANR. No root permission or any system permissions are required.
A Flutter widget that enables text selection over all the text widgets it contains
A Flutter UI Kit(一个 Flutter UI组件库),包含 ScaleView, Swiper, PullRefresh, WaterMark, GradientCircularProgressIndicator...