Created by ALL-INKL.COM - Neue Medien Münnich - 29. Jan 2014
This Plugin provides a small image processor. You can limit the size of images directly on the client without upload images on your server. Big images will be resized automatically on paste.
Download the plugin from
Extract (decompress) the downloaded file into the plugins folder of your CKEditor installation. Example:
Enable the plugin by using the extraPlugins configuration setting. Example: CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = "imageresize";
Config: CKEDITOR.config.imageResize.maxWidth = 800; CKEDITOR.config.imageResize.maxHeight = 800;
// Resize all images in a node: CKEDITOR.plugins.imageresize.resizeAll( CKEditor Instance, (CKEditor node object) parent container, (integer) max-width, (integer) max-height );
// Resize one image: CKEDITOR.plugins.imageresize.resize( CKEditor Instance, (CKEditor node object) image, (integer) max-width, (integer) max-height );
// Detect browser support: // returns boolean true or false;