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teivah committed Feb 1, 2020
1 parent 5b96144 commit 6dedbdf
Showing 1 changed file with 246 additions and 0 deletions.
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
# Complexity

## 0/1 Knapsack brute force complexity

Time complexity: O(2^n) with n the number of items
Space complexity: O(n)


## 0/1 Knapsack memoization complexity

Time and space complexity: O(n * c) with n the number items and c the capacity


## 0/1 Knapsack tabulation complexity

Time and space complexity: O(n * c) with n the number of items and c the capacity

Space complexity could even be improved to O(2*c) = **O(c)** as we need to store only the **last 2 lines** (using row%2):

int[][] dp = new int[2][c + 1];


## Amortized complexity definition

How much of a resource (time or memory) it takes to execute per operation on average


## Array complexity: access, search, insert, delete

Access: O(1)
Search: O(n)
Insert: O(n)
Delete: O(n)

[#array]( [#complexity](

## B-tree complexity: access, insert, delete

All: O(log n)

[#complexity]( [#tree](

## BFS and DFS graph traversal time and space complexity

Time: O(v + e) with v the number of vertices and e the number of edges

Space: O(v)

[#complexity]( [#graph](

## BFS and DFS tree traversal time and space complexity

BFS: time O(v), space O(v)

DFS: time O(v), space O(h) (height of the tree)

[#complexity]( [#tree](

## Big O

Upper bound


## Big Omega

Lower bound (fastest)


## Big Theta

Theta(n) if both O(n) and Omega(n)


## Binary heap (min-heap or max-heap) complexity: insert, get min (max), delete min (max)

Insert: O(log (n))
Get min (max): O(1)
Delete min: O(log n)

[#complexity]( [#heap](

## BST complexity: access, insert, delete

If not balanced O(n)
If balanced O(log n)

[#complexity]( [#tree](

## Bubble sort complexity and stability

Time: O(n²)
Space: O(1)


[#complexity]( [#sort](

## Complexity of a function making multiple recursive subcalls

Time: **O(branches^depth)** with branches the number of times each recursive call branches (english: 2 power 3)

Space: O(depth) to store the call stack


## Complexity to create a trie

Time and space: O(n * l) with n the number of words and l the longest word length


## Complexity to insert a key in a trie

Time: O(k) with k the size of the key
Space: O(1) iterative, O(k) recursive

[#complexity]( [#tree](

## Complexity to search for a key in a trie

Time: O(k) with k the size of the key

Space: O(1) iterative or O(k) recursive

[#complexity]( [#tree](

## Counting sort complexity, stability, use case

Time complexity: O(n + k) // n is the number of elements, k is the range (the maximum element)

Space complexity: O(k)


Use case: known and small range of possible integers

[#complexity]( [#sort](

## Doubly linked list complexity: access, insert, delete

Access: O(n)
Insert: O(1)
Delete: O(1)

[#complexity]( [#linkedlist](

## Hash table complexity: search, insert, delete

All: amortized O(1), worst O(n)

[#complexity]( [#hashtable](

## Heapsort complexity, stability, use case

Time: Theta(n log n)
Space: O(1)


Use case: space constrained environment with O(n log n) time guarantee
Yet, not stable and not cache friendly

[#complexity]( [#sort](

## Insertion sort complexity, stability, use case

Time: O(n²)
Space: O(1)


Use case: partially sorted structure

[#complexity]( [#sort](

## Linked list complexity: access, insert, delete

Access: O(n)
Insert: O(1)
Delete: O(1)

[#complexity]( [#linkedlist](

## Mergesort complexity, stability, use case

Time: Theta(n log n)
Space: O(n)


Use case: good worst case time complexity and stable, good with linked list

[#complexity]( [#sort](

## Quicksort complexity, stability, use case

Time: best and average O(n log n), worst O(n²) if the array is already sorted in ascending or descending order
Space: O(log n) // In-place sorting algorithm

Not stable

Use case: in practice, quicksort is often faster than merge sort due to better locality (not applicable with linked list so in this case we prefer mergesort)

[#complexity]( [#sort](

## Recursivity impacts on algorithm complexity

Space impact as each call is added to the call stack

Unless we use tail call recursion


## Red-black tree complexity: access, insert, delete

All: O(log n)

[#complexity]( [#tree](

## Selection sort complexity

Time: Theta(n²)
Space: O(1)

[#complexity]( [#sort](

## Time complexity to build a binary heap


[#complexity]( [#heap](

## Topological sort complexity

Time and space: O(v + e)

[#complexity]( [#graph](

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