I am not a developer/programmer, just a Linux enthusiast. All this configurations are just what I learned along the way by myself. You may encounter some redundant lines of code.
Distro • Arch Linux 🐧
Window Manager • Hyprland 💧
Colorscheme • Catppuccin 🐈
- Backup Colorscheme • Gruvbox 🟫
- Backup Colorscheme • Rosé Pine 🌹
- Backup Colorscheme • Tokyo Night
Shell • Zsh 🐚 with
Terminal • WezTerm 💻
Panel • Waybar 🍫 but the patched version for Hyprland
Notication Daemon • Dunst 🔔
File Manager • Thunar 🗄️
Music player • Spotify 🪕 with spicetify-cli and Catppuccin spicetify theme
Editor • Neovim 📝
Installed plugins
- Packer
- lualine
- nvim-treesitter
- bufferline
- nvim-tree.lua
- nvim-ts-autotag
- nvim-ts-rainbow
- nvim-autopairs
- which-key
- telescope.nvim
- nvim-lspconfig
- cmp-nvim-lsp
- cmp-buffer
- cmp-path
- cmp-cmdline
- nvim-cmp
- cmp-vsnip
- vim-vsnip
- lspkind-nvim
- mason.nvim
- mason-lspconfig.nvim
- nvim-colorizer.lua
- twilight.nvim
- indent-blankline.nvim
- nvim-comment
- alpha-nvim
- gitsigns.nvim
- There's some other colorschemes inside
that I used in the past, but I will leave it there just in case.
Backup Editor • Visual Studio Code 📝
You can review the pkglist.txt
file to remove the packages you don't want and replace the ones you like, but I cannot guarantee if don't work as expected. Please, read the disclaimer
- Do a fresh Arch Linux installation. Remember to install
package during installation. You can also install on your existing installation, just skip to section 5. - Install
. You can install whatever version you like, I prefer the binary version. You can also use whatever AUR helper you want, but remeber to uninstallparu
at the end of the installation or remove theparu-bin
line inside thepkglist.txt
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru-bin.git
cd paru-bin
makepkg -si
- Fork this repository or download it.
- If you forked it, use yadm to download your forked repo.
yadm clone https://github.com/youruser/yourforkedrepo.git
- If you downloaded it or cloned it, copy everything to your home directory (all the .config and .local directory, and all the " . " files as well).
- Use
(or the AUR helper of choice) to install everything in thepkglist.txt
file. You can usepacman
too, but it won't install the AUR packages.
paru -S --needed - < pkglist.txt