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A tc39 proposal to reduce super sets (such as TypeScript and Flow) to complements of JavaScript.


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Reducing super sets to complements.


  • TBD (To Be Determined)


  • @lillallol

Stage: -1

The gist

Statically typed super sets of Ecmascript are inferior to complements. The ecosystem is dominated by super sets because it has never been presented equally and appropriately with a complement. Therefore, tc39 must pave the way for reducing super sets to complements, since that will benefit everyone. This is trivial to be done. Just add in the Ecmascript specification, that nothing more than the following comments:

/**@type {import("./path/to/types/file").IMyType}*/

are to be used in .js files, by third party statically typed complements of EcmaScript. Let the rest of the type system be defined by third party type checkers (defining a type system is out of scope for this proposal).

The intuition behind the proposal.

While trying to create documentation for the public API of my TypeScript projects, I understood that this can be done without the need of documentation generation libraries, by simply separating intend with implementation. That separation lead naturally to the usage of TypeScript as a complement.

Separation of intent and implementation.

Unfortunately the very design of TypeScript as a super set, promotes the mix of intent with implementation, e.g.:

  • ./add.ts

    const add = (a:number,b:number):number => a+b;

Separation of intent and implementation, e.g.:

  • ./publicApi.ts

    export type IAdd = (a : number,b : number) => number;
  • ./add.ts

    import type {IAdd} from "./publicApi";
    const add : IAdd = (a,b) => a+b;

is not enforced.


Maintainable public API.

Since the types are separated from their implementations, it makes sense to gather all of the public API types in a single file. This makes it easy to maintain the public API since it is not scattered in multiple files.

Less need for .d.ts generators.

The single file that contains the public API can in fact be a manually created index.d.ts file, and hence reduce the need for .d.ts files generation. The files that define the implementations of the public API will derive their corresponding types from index.d.ts so that they can conform to it.

Less need for documentation generations libraries.

index.d.ts can act as documentation. The documentation section of the of a project can just link to index.d.ts. This makes documentation generation libraries for the most cases redundant.

Here is an example:

  • ./index.d.ts
     * @description
     * My super function.
    export declare const add : (a : number,b : number) => number;
  • ./privateApi.ts
    import {add} from "index";
    export type IAdd = typeof add;
  • ./add.ts
    import type {IAdd} from "./privateApi";
    export const add : IAdd = (a,b) => a+b;
  • ./index.ts
    export {add} from "./add";

Notice that both the types and the JSDoc descriptions are contained in index.d.ts, that means that imports from index show (or can be made to show) both the type and the JSDoc description of index.d.ts in the IDE documentation popup window, when you hover over the imported variable.

Flexibility on making the public API readable.

You can put the most important types in the top of index.d.ts, and the least important in the bottom. You can manually edit the format, define types and IDE collapsible regions for the sole purpose of improving public API readability for both the library maintainer but also the library consumer. Finally index.d.ts opens in your IDE, with the font, syntax highlighting, theme and keyboard shortcuts your are familiar with. It is not trivial to do these with documentation generation libraries (e.g. typedoc).

Reduced need to bundle declaration files.

Many times, I find myself trying to bundle a library to an esm index.js file with its associated index.d.ts file. From the previous points it can be seen that there will be a reduced need for .d.ts bundlers. Just make sure that index.d.ts is indeed acting like a public API, i.e. it does not depend on the private API and hence imports nothing from it.

TypeScript reserves the least possible syntax from EcmaScript.

You just need these two things:

  • type imports

    import type {IAdd} from "./index";
  • type annotations for variable declarations

    export const add : IAdd = (a,b) => a+b;

Although this point might initially seem not that much of a big deal, it is actually the gateway to the next section.

Loose coupling of EcmaScript code with the type system.

Not only the public API, but also the private API can be contained in a single file, or at least a few files. This, combined with the fact of minimum syntax reservation, makes the migration (automated or manual) from one type system to another, easier.

TypeScript maintainers have less work to do.

A direct result of reserving the least possible syntax. They no longer need to enable mix of implementation and indent.

The probability for TypeScript to have syntax collisions with future EcmaScript syntax, gets minimized.

A direct result of reserving the least possible syntax.

Code that looks familiar to the EcmaScript developers.

A direct result of reserving the least possible syntax.

Formatters, syntax highlighters, etc, have a simpler job to do.

A direct result of reserving the least possible syntax.

Addressing possible criticism.

Frequent context switching.

More specifically, when you write the implementation of a type you will have to frequently switch between the implementation file and the abstraction file, because you want to see the type. This is not valid since the IDE will show you the type of an implementation by hovering on its annotation. Also the IDE will highlight the parts of the implementation that do not conform to the type.

You will not know where the types are.

More specifically because the files for types can grow large, that will make it hard to find the types. This is not valid since if you know where the implementation of the type is, then you can use the go to type definition feature of your IDE to find it.

This will lead to clutter of the common space.

Multiple .ts files can be used to segregate the common space. Here is a possible example:

  • index.d.ts is used to define the public API
  • privateApi.ts is used to define the private API
  • types.ts is used to define types shared in privateApi.ts
  • trivialApi.ts is used to define less complex types (e.g. string[],number etc.)
  • testApi.ts is used to define types that are used only in test files
  • typeFunctions.ts is used to define type functions
  • dicApi.ts is used to define the types of the dependency graph of the DIC
There will be no reduced need for bundling declaration files since index.d.ts will depend on types from other files.

If the public API depends on te private API, then reverse the dependency, and make the private API depend on the public API.

Concluding to the complement method.

If separation of intent and implementation, inevitably leads TypeScript, without loss in static typing, to do the minimal possible syntax reservation from EcmaScript, which is:

  • type imports:

    import type {IAdd} from "index";
  • type annotating a variable declaration

    export const add : IAdd = (a,b) => a+b;

then why not use a comment syntax in EcmaScript that enables them both? For example something that is already supported by:

/**@type {import("./index").IAdd}*/
export const add = (a,b) => a+b;


Disclaimer: I do not know Flow

/*:: import type {IAdd} from "index";*/
export const add /*: IAdd*/ = (a,b) => a+b;

or a less verbose alternative:

export const add = (a,b) => a+b;


  • no .ts to .js compilation needed
  • .ts files that contain implementations become redundant
  • no need for tsc to be a compiler
  • no need to wait the compiler
  • no need to worry whether the compiler will be fast as your project scales
  • no need to develop faster compilers
  • one less configuration for the build pipeline
  • no need to deal with the fragmented ecosystem of compiling .ts to .js
  • no need to depend on extra packages for your code to get executed
  • no need to learn new APIs
  • less configuration needed for tsconfig.json
  • less security issues due to depending on less code
  • one less source map
  • no need for TypeScript to have a source map generator
  • formatters have a simpler job to do
  • code can be pasted in the console and it will execute
  • no IoC (Inversion of Control), code executes as it has be written (at least during the development stage)
  • syntax from TypeScript will never collide with EcmaScript syntax
  • easier adoption of TypeScript in projects that do no use it
  • easier adoption of TypeScript by beginners
  • the code gets even more familiar looking to the EcmaScript developer
  • adherence to KISS (Keep It Super Simple)
  • adherence to SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) (e.g. TypeScript is not concerned with transpilation anymore)
  • it is type system agnostic
  • can be easily adopted by different static type checkers
  • standardization will have no effect on the runtime
  • standardization will create no need to change existing EcmaScript parsers
  • standardization will not collide with other tc39 proposals
  • standardization will be trivial
  • enforces separation of intent and implementation
  • enables simultaneous type checking source code with more than one type system

Addressing possible criticism.

There is loss in static typing since you will not be able to use type assertions.

Type assertions[link] are a bad practice since they override the type checker. It is true that the override is safer than //@ts-ignore, but that does not change the fact that it is an override. This:

const myVariable = myValues as number;

can be replaced with this:

if (typeof myValue !== "number") throw Error();
const myVariable = myValues;

leading to safer static type checking. It is the ability to use type assertions that leads to loss in static typing, not the inability to use them.

You will not be able to use const type assertions.

Since TypeScript 5.0, instead of using const type assertion you can do something like:

  • ./privateApi

    export type IAsConstArray = <const T extends readonly unknown[]>(array : T) => T;
  • index.js

    /**@type {import("./privateApi").IAsConstArray}*/
    const asConstArray = (array) => array;
    const myData = asConstArray([1,2]);
You will not be able to use type parameters.

Consider using a library that was written in TypeScript with the following public API:

  • ./index.d.ts:

     * @description 
     *`DLL` stands for Double Linked List.
    export declare function DLLFactory<T>() : IDLL<T>;
    type IDLLNode<T> = {
        value    : T;
        next     : IDLLNode<T> | null;
        previous : IDLLNode<T> | null;
    type IDLL<T> = {
        tail   : IDLLNode<T> | null;
        head   : IDLLNode<T> | null;
        length : number;

Here is how to pass a type parameter to DLLFactory using the complement method:

  • ./privateApi.ts

    import {DLLFactory} from "./index";
    // works with typescript 4.7
    export type IMyDllFactory = typeof DLLFactory<number>;
  • ./myDLL.js

    import {DLLFactory} from "./index.js";
     * @type {import("./privateApi").IMyDllFactory}
     * Hover over `myDLLFactory` to see that the type parameter is `number`.
    const myDLLFactory = DLLFactory;

Something that should be noted here, is that this is not possible with older versions of TypeScript. Given that TypeScript is mostly used as a super set, it makes sense for features that mainly benefit the complement method to not have been requested, e.g. type parameters extraction[link]. So whenever we are faced in a situation that challenges the complement method, we should question whether this is an intrinsic inability of the complement method or a matter of support from the type system.

You will not be able to use enum.

This is not an intrinsic inability of the complement method, since[link]:

Enums are one of the few features TypeScript has which is not a type-level extension of EcmaScript.

So it is both a matter of support from the type system but also EcmaScript.

It will produce unreadable and verbose code, that will reduce developer experience.

Objectively speaking, knowing the type of a concretion makes it easier to read the code. How can someone know the type of a concretions when writing code in EcmaScript, i.e. the complement method? Hovering over any implementation, will make the IDE to show its type. Do super sets need that help from the IDE? Yes they do, because of type aliases.

Given that help from the IDE, it becomes subjective which code base is more readable. From my personal experience the more I get exposed to a certain code style, the more readable I find it. So if you think that the complement method is not readable, I suggest you, to ask yourself the same question after some months you have been exposed to it. Eventually you will get used to it and readability will not be an issue.

Regarding verbosity, strictly speaking, a super set can always be made less verbose when compared to a complement, since a complement is forced to use the already existing comment syntax, while a super set reserves syntax outside of existing comment syntax. However, from my experience with the complement and super set methods of TypeScript, there is no practical impact in the developer experience. In fact when comparing them, it is not actually clear which method is less verbose, because in some cases, the complement method is less verbose while in other cases the super set method is less verbose.

Super sets are better because the community has chosen them.

This is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad populum[link]. The fact, that something has be chosen by the majority, does not prove it is the best choice.

If we want to know which method is preferred by the community, then we have to ask people, that have tried both complement and super set methods, and have no misconceptions about them. Any statistical inference based on something different from that, is intrinsically biased.

Lets look at the topic from a historical perspective:

  • 1999 JSDoc[link]
  • 2009 Closure Compiler[link]
  • 2012 TypeScript[link]
  • 2014 Flow[link]
  • 2018 TypeScript supports /**@type {import("./some/path").IMyType}*/[link]
  • 2022 TypeScript supports type IMyFn = typeof fn<IMyType>[link]
  • 2022 TypeScript feature request for extracting type parameters[link]
  • 2023 TypeScript supports const generics[link]

Why people use TypeScript instead of plain JSDoc?

Regarding static typing, JSDoc syntax is verbose when compared to TypeScript. This should not surprise us since JSDoc syntax was made to favor documentation, while TypeScript syntax was made to favor static typing. Finally JSDoc lacks in static typing support when compared to TypeScript.

Why people use TypeScript instead of Google's closure compiler?

Same arguments that were used about JSDoc apply here as well.

Why people use TypeScript instead of Flow?

Typescript "hit the market" first when compared to Flow.

Why people use TypeScript as a super set and not as a complement?

That is because TypeScript as a complement has been possible only very recently. To add to that, statically typed complements have never been promoted.

Why the TypeScript creators decide to go for super set instead of complement?

I do not know. The TypeScript creators have to answer that.

Super set vs complement proposal.

Here are the drawbacks of standardizing super sets into tc39:

  • There will be breaking changes to existing super sets.

  • There will be irreversible syntax reservation outside of native comments.

  • There might be collisions with existing tc39 proposals.

  • Every EcmaScript parser, will have to be updated, which means that:

    • minifiers
    • bundlers
    • source maps
    • browsers

    will also have to be updated.

  • It is highly likely that the updated EcmaScript parsers will be slower than the older parsers.

  • They will take many years to be standardized because they reserve too much syntax.

  • They might require an opt in like "use types"[link], hence further fragmenting EcmaScript.

Take into account that all these drawbacks apply, regardless of whether the proposed super set will have types that have runtime semantics.

These drawbacks do not exist with a proposal about complements.

Addressing possible proposal criticism.

Nobody is going to adhere to the complement method.

People might claim that, regardless what tc39 manages to standardize regarding static typing, nobody is going to adhere to it unless it is what the majority of the community has chosen, i.e. TypeScript. However:

  • It is TypeScript's design goal to[link]:

    Align with current and future ECMAScript proposals.

  • This proposal proves that there is no need for future proposal creators to:

    steer away from syntax because typescript uses it[link].

    Inevitably proposals that have nothing to do with static typing, but introduce breaking changes to super sets, will be adopted. This will cause people to move to the complement method.

  • Acceptance of this proposal will popularize the complement method and expose the drawbacks of super sets.

  • People can still use TypeScript with this proposal.

  • People that have created influential projects start to gradually conclude to a looser form of the complement method[link].

In the long run super sets will have no other choice than be reduced to complements of EcmaScript.

I see defining a syntax for types without semantics to be actively harmful.

This statement is a direct quote from the tc39 meeting notes about the types as comments proposal[link]. This argument applies to my proposal, so I have to address it.

Standardizing a semantically typed EcmaScript super set will be a very controversial topic that will likely never reach adoption, and for the case it does, it will be after many years (possibly decades). What are we going to do up until then? Continue using non standard super sets despite all their drawbacks when compared to complements?

Also it is highly likely that such a semantically typed EcmaScript super set will be slower than untyped EcmaScript. This means that even then, there will still be people that use untyped EcmaScript.

In addition, the only practical path for standardizing semantically typed EcmaScript is to start with the standardization of the bare minimum, which is:

  • type annotations for variable declarations
  • type imports
  • type alias declarations

Notice that:

  • syntax for generics functions
  • typing function parameters in concretion function
  • typing function return type in concretion function
  • typing classes via implements
  • syntax associated with types at runtime

are not actually required.

That bare minimum is actually enforcing separation of intend and implementation. This makes me understand that, an ecosystem that has embraced complements, i.e. embraced separation of intend and implementation, will have a smooth transition from complements to semantically typed EcmaScript.

The scope of tc39 does not include static typing.

According to ecma-international the scope of tc39 is[link]:


Standardization of the general purpose, cross platform, vendor-neutral programming language ECMAScript®. This includes the language syntax, semantics, and libraries and complementary technologies that support the language.

Static typing is a complementary technology that supports the EcmaScript language. Hence the context proposal belongs to the scope of tc39.

So you've already decided what the solution should be.

This statement is a direct quote from the tc39 meeting notes about the types as comments proposal[link]. It has to do with the fact that proposals at stage 1 are supposed to be about problem exploration, and not about coming up already with a solution. This argument applies to my proposal, so I have to address it.

The problem statement is that super sets are a suboptimal solution to the problem of adding static type checking in EcmaScript. How can someone prove that a solution to a problem is suboptimal? This is only done by showing that there is a better solution.

If there is a better solution than the one I have proposed then it should be the proposed solution.

A list of projects that implement the proposal.

  1. es-test - testing library
Things to know before using TypeScript as a complement.
  • Make sure that you take a look at the list of the projects that already implement the proposal.
  • Read and understand the context proposal.
  • Currently, TypeScript will not static type check .js files that have a corresponding .d.ts file. However there are feature requests for that [link].
  • There is no noExplicitAny option in the tsconfig.json. Even if you have noImplicitAny enabled, things like, const myArray = [], const myMap = new Map(), will be treated by TypeScript as being explicitly typed with any.
  • You will find that for some edge cases, functions are not properly typed. That is not the case for arrow functions. There is an issue open for that [link].
  • There are some minor differences on how TypeScript applies static typing to concretion in .js versus .ts [link].
  • There is currently no support for extracting type parameters from generic functions. There is a feature request for that [link].

Defining the comment contract.

This section is tentative.

A comment for type alias import, that will also type annotate.
  • statement:

    export const add = (a,b) => a+b;
  • expression:

    ( /*:"path/to/file".exportedTypeName*/ [
        { a : 1 , b : "2" },
        { a : 11, b : "22"}
    ]).forEach(({a,b}) => {
        // do some stuff

    There is a common misconception that there is an intrinsic need for an extra pair of parenthesis[link].

A comment that will inform the type checker that a mistake is expected.
  • statement:

    test(,() => {
        expect(() => add("1",1)).toThrow();
  • expression:

    test(,() => {
        expect(() => {
            add( /*:type-check-expect-error*/ "1" , 1 )
A comment at the top of a file that informs the static type checker to ignore it.


A tc39 proposal to reduce super sets (such as TypeScript and Flow) to complements of JavaScript.







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