This is a plugin that can make you focus on the fragments in vim.(Inspired by Emacs)
Maybe you can't understand what it means.You can look the after example:
To install it with vim-plug :
Plug 'SpringHan/vim-focus'
" These are the keybindings of the commands:
vnoremap <silent> <leader>vf :FocusStart<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>vs :FocusConvert<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>vS :FocusSave<CR>
" This is the open way of the focus buffer.Default is 'buffer', or it can be 'window'
let g:VimFocusOpenWay = 'window'
: When you have selected the fragments needs to focus, you can use this command to get in the focus buffer. -
: When you finished the fragments' modifies, you can use this command to convert the focus buffer back to the origin file. -
: While you editing in the focus buffer, you can use this command to save the modifies to the original buffer without closing the focus buffer.