Acolyte is a utility library, used by entire Lindar ecosystem, that helps developers reach their goals and dreams a wee bit faster. Try it yourself today!
NOTE: Acolyte has been rewritten in Kotlin and it's still 100% compatible with Java!
Util classes:
- copy: copies two objects by copying the variables with same name and type. This is useful when you want to create a clone of the database model but one that matches your view's needs.
- listAllVariablesWithGetters: returns all public variables that have a getter including the inherited ones
- objectNullOrEmpty: check if an object is null and if collection and not null it will also check if it's empty
- listContainsIgnoreCase: check if list contains a string param and ignores the case
- listIsEmpty and listIsNotEmpty: check if a list is null and empty or not null and not empty
- numberNullOrZero and numberGreaterThanZero: check if number is null or equal to zero or number not null and greater than zero. Supports any number (extends Number) including BigDecimal, BigInteger, etc
NumberFormatterAcolyte: helpful with formatting numbers and money
Last version written in Java was: