Alist Helper is an application developed using Flutter, designed to simplify the use of the desktop version of alist. It can manage alist, allowing you to easily start and stop the alist program.
ssh rdp vnc telnet sftp bastion/jump web putty xshell terminal jumpserver audit realtime monitor rz/sz 堡垒机 云桌面 linux devops sftp websocket file management rz/sz otp 自动化运维 审计 录像 文件管理 sftp上传 实时监控 录像回…
Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
AnyLink是一个企业级远程办公 ssl vpn 软件,可以支持多人同时在线使用。基于 openconnect 协议开发,并且借鉴了 ocserv 的开发思路,可以完全兼容 AnyConnect 客户端。
PDDON windows client, PDDON is a daily drawing tool that supports low code for learning or office use. It can be used for flowchart, mind map, UML diagram, ER diagram, network topology diagram, BPM…
An intelligent analysis software based on process Capture and self learning features.
项目介绍: 自己闲来无事所写以及工作中抽取的安全/运维/开发方面的代码小脚本 ,希望大家多多star支持。
AgileEAS.NET SOA中间件平台(简称EAS.NET平台)是以“敏捷并行开发方法”为其过程指导思想、基于Microsoft .Net构件技术和模型驱动架构的企业级快速开发平台,AgileEAS.NET SOA中间件平台使的构建企业级分布式应用系统变得简单,它提供了可灵活扩展应用架构,并且革命性的改变了软件的生产方式,用于帮助中小型软件企业建立一条适合快速变化的开发团队,以达到节省开…
Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
Translation for Trilium Notes. Trilium Notes 中文适配, 体验优化
Curve is a sandbox project hosted by the CNCF Foundation. It's cloud-native, high-performance, and easy to operate. Curve is an open-source distributed storage system for block and shared file stor…
TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project (Official Repository)
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MacOS like theme for all gtk based desktops