(c) 2019 - Marcus Dillavou [email protected]
Smashing-Availtec is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
This is a widget for the Smashing Dashboard that shows the real time, estimated arrivals for buses. This works for any bus system that utilizes Availtec, such as Birmingham, Alabama's.
Copy all the files to the appropriate location of your smashing dashboard.
After installing, you first need to configure your stop locations and agency. Edit the jobs/availtec.rb
file. Make sure you update the AGENCY_URL
and the STOP_IDS
list. You can get a stop id by going the the Agency's Availtec site and searching for a stop.
STOP_IDS = [2492, 1464, 1430]
You then need to add the widget to your dashboard. There are a few important things to know:
- The
needs to be2
or there isn't room for the map. You can optionally make thedata-sizex="2"
also. - You can have multiple widgets for different buses and/or different stops. Just make sure ALL the needed stop ids are in the
and make sure you set thedata-stop_id
<li data-row="1" data-col="3" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="2">
<div data-id="availtec" data-view="Availtec" data-title="#44" data-sub_title="20th & Morris" data-stop_id=1430 data-route_id=44 data-addclass-danger="isLate"></div>