A reverse proxy like nginx, built on pingora, simple and efficient.
- Filter location by host and path
- HTTP 1/2 end to end proxy
- Graceful reload
- Template for http access log
- TOML base configuration
- Admin Web UI configuration
- Http proxy plugins:
,static serve
Loads all configurations from /opt/proxy
and run in the background. Log appends to /opt/proxy/pingap.log
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/proxy -d --log=/opt/proxy/pingap.log
Validate the configurations, send quit signal to pingap, then start a new process to handle all requests.
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/proxy -t \
&& pkill -SIGQUIT pingap \
&& RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/proxy -d -u --log=/opt/proxy/pingap.log
All toml configurations are as follows pingap.toml.
graph TD;
start("New Request")-->server("HTTP Server");
server -- "host:HostA, Path:/api/*" --> locationA("Location A")
server -- "Path:/rest/*"--> locationB("Location B")
locationA -- "Exec Plugins" --> locationPluginListA("Plugin List A")
locationB -- "Exec Plugins" --> locationPluginListB("Plugin List B")
locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA1("Upstream A1") --> response
locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA2("Upstream A2") --> response
locationPluginListA -- "done" --> response
locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB1("Upstream B1") --> response
locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB2("Upstream B2") --> response
locationPluginListB -- "done" --> response
response("HTTP Response") --> stop("Logging");
CPU: M2, Thread: 1
wrk '' --latency
Running 10s test @
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 87.92us 60.91us 3.69ms 89.97%
Req/Sec 57.32k 2.17k 69.69k 91.09%
Latency Distribution
50% 93.00us
75% 100.00us
90% 106.00us
99% 133.00us
1151171 requests in 10.10s, 320.61MB read
Requests/sec: 113977.63
Transfer/sec: 31.74MB
Our current MSRV is 1.74
This project is Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.