A planetarium for your terminal! Explore stars, planets, constellations, and more, all rendered right in the command line—no telescope required. ✨🪐
A configurable, terminal based Media Player Client with album art support via various terminal image protocols
A list of interesting aircraft - Governments, Dictators, Military, Historic and just plain odd.
ADSB-Ultrafeeder is an all-in-one ADSB container with readsb, tar1090, graphs1090, autogain, multi-feeder, and mlat-hub built in
A compact IP68 protected Meshtastic Router based on a Heltec HT-CT62 and TI BQ24074
A curated list of amazingly awesome Meshtastic resources
📚 Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database
Terraform / OpenTofu Provider for Proxmox VE
🎬 A curated list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch.
Ostorlab KEV: One-command to detect most remotely known exploitable vulnerabilities. Sourced from CISA KEV, Google's Tsunami, Ostorlab's Asteroid and Bug Bounty programs.
🐋 Ansible playbook which helps you host various FOSS services as Docker containers on your own server
Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
Lightweight fork of M<>M Relay (meshtastic-matrix-relay)
Standalone scrobbler program, not a continuously running process, written in Python 3 that works together with cmus. Allows offline mode, scrobbling multiple servers simultaneously, sending a now p…
Download your bandcamp collection using this python script.
A small, minimalist and reversible elite-c based split keyboard that builds on previous designs to fit your needs.
A relay between Meshtastic and Matrix with native Meshtastic node connected via MQTT
A relay between a room and a Meshtastic radio. This relay extends your communication with a LoRa-based Meshtastic radio mesh. This is not an official product of Matrix.o…