This Plugin is fork from
- create reference for <resultMap> and <sql> statements in Mybatis XML.
- create reference for property in <resultMap> statements to corresponding entity.
- create reference for SQL XmlToken and <if test=""> attribute to the corresponding parameter of the method in DAO interface.
- support sql statement completion when you type `#{}` in Mybatis XML with parameters of the corresponding method in DAO interface.
- support <if test=""> statement completion in Mybatis XML with parameters of the corresponding method in DAO interface.
- support line marker with beautiful icon for DAO method navigating to corresponding statement in Mybatis XML.
- support line marker with beautiful icon for statement in Mybatis XML navigating to corresponding method in DAO interface.
- support inspection for Mybatis XML statement which checks whether a corresponding method exists.
- support inspection for DAO interface method which checks whether a corresponding Mybatis XML statement exists.
- support alias converter for parameterType and resultType.