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Matlab code for the paper <Break recovery in graphical networks with D-Trace loss>


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Break recovery in graphical networks with D-Trace loss

This repository contains the implementation of the Group Fused D-trace LASSO (GFDtL) estimator for identifying sparse precision matrices with breaks in time-series data. The estimator is obtained by solving the following optimization problem:

$$ \min_{\Theta_t\succeq \epsilon I_p, 1 \leq t \leq T}{\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T} \left[\text{tr}(\frac{1}{2}\Theta_t^2 X_tX^\top_t) - \text{tr}(\Theta_t)\right] + \lambda_1\sum_{t=1}^T \sum_{u \neq v}|\Theta_{uv,t}|+\lambda_2\sum_{t=1}^{T-1} |\Theta_{t+1} - \Theta_t|_F}. $$

where $\mathcal{X}_T=(X_1,\ldots,X_T)$ is the sample, $\lambda_1,\lambda_2$ are the tuning parameters.

For further details on the problem and the algorithm, please refer to our paper:

      title={Break recovery in graphical networks with {D}-trace loss}, 
      author={Ying Lin and Benjamin Poignard and Ting Kei Pong and Akiko Takeda},


GFDtL is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE).


  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone --recursive
    cd GFDtL
  2. Use Matlab with version higher than R2023a to run the files with name following the format runcode_*.m.

    Note: The implementation relies on functions pagemtimes and pageeig that are introduced in R2020a and R2023a, respectively, and function argument validation that is introduced in R2019b.

  3. Normally, you should be able to run the code directly if your matlab version is higher than R2023a.

    If you find there are some dependence errors, please check requirements of three libraries in GFGL/libs. The folder GFGL is for the competing algorithm in Regularized Estimation of Piecewise Constant Gaussian Graphical Models: The Group-Fused Graphical Lasso, which depends on several toolboxes. Although we have tried our best to remove most of dependence, there may still be some omissions.

Code structure

  • The folder @GFDtL is the implementation of our algorithm, which is organized as a class. Interested readers can read @GFDtL/GFDtL.m for the declaration of properties/functions of the class, and read @GFDtL/run.m for the main content of our ADMM algorithm.
  • The folder simu is the code for simulating data. Three main functions are simu/DGP_Erdos_Renyi.m, simu/DGP_iid.m and simu/DGP_banded.m for generating Erdos Renyi dataset, iid dataset and banded dataset, respectively. For more details, please read Section 6.1 in our paper.
  • The folder utils contains some helper functions. The two fileshanning.m and perform_thresholding.m are used to remove the toolbox dependence of the competing algorithm. The folder boundedline is used for plotting line with shaded error/confidence bounds, the credit goes for kakearney/boundedline-pkg. Please call help for more details of these functions.
  • There are six runcode files:
    1. runcode_simu_er.m: The runcode for experiments on simulated datasets simulated according to Setting (i) in Section 6.1 of the paper.
    2. runcode_simu_banded.m: The runcode for experiments on simulated datasets simulated according to Setting (ii) in Section 6.1 of the paper.
    3. runcode_simu_iid.m: The runcode for experiments on simulated datasets simulated according to Setting (iii) in Section 6.1 of the paper.
    4. runcode_sensitivity_analysis.m The runcode for empirical sensitivity analysis in Section 6.2 of the paper.
    5. runcode_computational_complexity.m: The runcode for empirical computational complexity analysis in Section 6.3 of the paper.
    6. runcode_real.m: The runcode for experiments on the real dataset SP500.mat. See Section 7 in our paper for more details about this dataset.

Usage: Example of simulated dataset


T = 100; % The sample size.
p = 10; % The dimension.
m = 1; % The number of breaks.
% Generate Erdos Renyi data.
% Y is the training dataset, Y_test is the testing dataset, 
% Theta is the sequence of true precision matrices, breaks is the array of true breaks.
[Y, Y_test, Theta, breaks] = DGP_Erdos_Renyi(T, p, m);

% Declare GFDtL.
% Check `help GFDtL` for more details.
% Pass arguments by name, do NOT use positional arguments!
Est = GFDtL(Y=Y, lamb1=1, lamb2=50, lamb3=1, epsilon=0.01, beta_=21, disp_freq=1, maxiter=inf, tol=1e-3, tol_pcg=1e-2, tol_pcg_up=0.9);

% Run the algorithm.

% Plot the difference of Theta.
% Check `help GFDtL.plot` for more details about the optional inputs.

% Estimate the breaks.
Est_breaks = Est.EstBreaks;


Let Est be the GFDtL estimator.

Possible unsolvability of the original problem

Our algorithm can detect the possible unsolvability of the original problem, which may occur when lamb2 is too small. If this happens, Est.infeas will be set to true.


The AIC/BIC values for the estimator are stored in Est.AIC and Est.BIC. These are computed by calling Est.GetICs. If the algorithm terminates successfully, it will be called automatically, allowing you to access Est.AIC and Est.BIC directly. Otherwise, you can manually call Est.GetICs to compute these values.

Built-in documents

See documents of functions by calling help in matlab for more details of the three DGP functions, GFDtL, and methods of GFDtL.


Matlab code for the paper <Break recovery in graphical networks with D-Trace loss>




