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#angular-form-builder Build Status devDependency Status

MIT License

This is an AngularJS form builder written in CoffeeScript.


  1. AngularJS 1.2.18
  2. jQuery 2.1.0
  3. Bootstrap 3


# just $builder
angular.module 'yourApp', ['builder']

# include $builder and default components
angular.module 'yourApp', ['builder', 'builder.components']


All components.
$builder.components =
    componentName{string}: component{object}


All groups of components.
$builder.groups = [componentGroup{string}]


# .config
$builderProvider.registerComponent = (name, component={}) ->
    Register the component for form-builder.
    @param name: The component name.
    @param component: The component object.
        group: {string} The component group.
        label: {string} The label of the input.
        description: {string} The description of the input.
        placeholder: {string} The placeholder of the input.
        editable: {bool} Is the form object editable?
        required: {bool} Is the form object required?
        validation: {string} angular-validation. rule, rule. will be copy as-is to the scope. nothing more. you can use it along with angular-validation.
        options: {array} The input options.
        arrayToText: {bool} checkbox could use this to convert input (default is no)
        template: {string} html template
        templateUrl: {string} The url of the template.
        popoverTemplate: {string} html template
        popoverTemplateUrl: {string} The url of the popover template.
# .run
$builder.registerComponent = (name, component={}) ->


<div class="form-group">
    <label for="{{name+index}}" class="col-md-4 control-label" ng-class="{'fb-required':required}">{{label}}</label>
    <div class="col-md-8">
        <input type="text" ng-model="inputText" id="{{name+index}}" class="form-control" placeholder="{{placeholder}}"/>
        <p class='help-block'>{{description}}</p>


    <div class="form-group">
        <label class='control-label'>Label</label>
        <input type='text' ng-model="label" validator="required" class='form-control'/>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class='control-label'>Description</label>
        <input type='text' ng-model="description" class='form-control'/>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class='control-label'>Placeholder</label>
        <input type='text' ng-model="placeholder" class='form-control'/>
    <div class="checkbox">
            <input type='checkbox' ng-model="required" />
    <div class='form-group'>
        <input type='submit' ng-click="$event)" class='btn btn-primary' value='Save'/>
        <input type='button' ng-click="popover.cancel($event)" class='btn btn-default' value='Cancel'/>
        <input type='button' ng-click="popover.remove($event)" class='btn btn-danger' value='Delete'/>


builder mode: `fb-builder` you could drag and drop to build the form.
form mode: `fb-form` this is the form for end-user to input value.
Default is {default: []}
$builder.forms =
    formName{string}: formObjects{array}


$builder.insertFormObject = (name, index, formObject={}) =>
    Insert the form object into the form at {index}.
    @param name: The form name.
    @param index: The form object index.
    @param form: The form object.
        id: The form object id.
        component: {string} The component name
        editable: {bool} Is the form object editable? (default is yes)
        label: {string} The form object label.
        description: {string} The form object description.
        placeholder: {string} The form object placeholder.
        options: {array} The form object options.
        required: {bool} Is the form object required? (default is no)
        validation: {string} angular-validation. rule1, rule2
        [index]: {int} The form object index. It will be generated by $builder.
    @return: The form object.


$builder.addFormObject = (name, formObject={}) =>
    Insert the form object into the form at last.
    reference $builder.insertFormObject()


$builder.removeFormObject = (name, index) =>
    Remove the form object by the index.
    @param name: {string} The form name.
    @param index: {int} The form object index.

##builder.directive ####fb-components

a = angular.module 'builder.directive', ['builder.provider', 'builder.controller', 'builder.drag']
fbComponents = ->
    You could use `fb-components` to render the components view.
    restrict: 'A'
        <ul ng-if="groups.length > 1" class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified">
            <li ng-repeat="group in groups" ng-class="{active:activeGroup==group}">
                <a href='#' ng-click="selectGroup($event, group)">{{group}}</a>
        <div class='form-horizontal'>
            <div class='fb-component' ng-repeat="component in components"
    controller: 'fbComponentsController'
a.directive 'fbComponents', fbComponents
<div fb-components></div>


a = angular.module 'builder.directive', ['builder.provider', 'builder.controller', 'builder.drag']
fbBuilder = ($injector) ->
    You could use `fb-builder="formName"` to render the builder view.
    restrict: 'A'
        <div class='form-horizontal'>
            <div class='fb-form-object-editable' ng-repeat="object in formObjects"
    link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
fbBuilder.$inject = ['$injector']
a.directive 'fbBuilder', fbBuilder
<div fb-builder="default"></div>


a = angular.module 'builder.directive', ['builder.provider', 'builder.controller', 'builder.drag']
fbForm = ($injector) ->
    You could use `fb-form="formName"` to render the form view for end-users.
    restrict: 'A'
    require: 'ngModel'  # form data (end-user input value)
        # input model for scops in ng-repeat
        input: '=ngModel'
        <div class='fb-form-object' ng-repeat="object in form" fb-form-object="object">
    controller: 'fbFormController'
    link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
fbForm.$inject = ['$injector']
a.directive 'fbForm', fbForm
<form class="form-horizontal">
    <div ng-model="input" fb-form="default" fb-default="defaultValue"></div>
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-4">
            <input type="submit" ng-click="submit()" class="btn btn-default"/>


There are some default components at this module. This module is not required.

  • textInput
  • textArea
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • select

##Unit Test

$ grunt test


# install node modules
$ npm install
# install bower components
$ bower install
# run the local server and the file watcher to compile CoffeeScript
$ grunt dev
# compile coffee script and minify
$ grunt build


Drag and drop to build bootstrap forms in AngularJS.






No packages published


  • CoffeeScript 91.1%
  • HTML 4.3%
  • JavaScript 3.6%
  • CSS 1.0%