From JSON to Dart Advanced
Table of Contents
Given a JSON string, this library will generate all the necessary Dart classes to parse and generate JSON. Also designed to generate Flutter-friendly model classes following the Flutter's doc recommendation and Effective Dart: Style. Extention supports for both Serializing JSON manually and Serializing JSON using code generation libraries like Freezed and Json Serializable. If you are an API service provider, you can build a models.jsonc
file for your users to convert JSON to Dart language with a few clicks.
Note: When you use
orJson Serializable
thenJson to Dart Model
generates only types and everything that happens after, thenJson Serializable
takes care of the rest and is responsible for generated code.
Dart to Json Model Generator
creates your JSON object into separate files and thanks to this if similar structures are detected generator will create them into different files and merge them with path (import
) no matter how named your objects are. In this way, you can keep your code cleaner and more readable. The pathname in the first will be renamed with the class name added as a prefix to show from which class the objects are. If the names continue to be duplicated then will be marked with the index for infinity renaming.`
- Avoid using file base class names as JSON keys to avoid conflicts and unwanted change of structure names. Note: converting from file
Json to Dart Model
will help to avoid it. - Properties named with funky names (like "!breaks", "|breaks", etc) will produce syntax errors.
To customize your classes is very easy. If you want fast to create a simple class then just click enter continue to skip all methods. Otherwise, build your own. To generate Freezed class and Json Serializable choose Code Generation.
- Convert JSON you copied into dart model classes.
- Convert JSON you selected into dart model classes.
- Convert JSON you copied into code generation libraries supported model classes. A terminal session runs after conversion to generate the rest parts.
- Convert JSON you selected into code generation libraries supported model classes. A terminal session runs after conversion to generate the rest parts.
- Convert all JSON objects from the file.
Json to Dart Model
generator keeps all your JSON objects in the file with the name models.jsonc
and allows you to configure your classes according to your preferences. models.jsonc
content is a list that contains all of your JSON objects that will later be converted to Dart classes. You can share this file with your friends and help them create better code. The jsonc
format allows you to comment on your JSON objects to easily find them later or make it easier to explain to your team. To create the models.jsonc
file you can run command in the command palette Build Models
or use keys binging Shift + Ctrl + Alt + B
and you will be asked if you want to create a file, hit Enter to add the file. After adding the file open it to read detailed instructions on how it works.
Create file manually. Add a new file to your app directory my_app/models.jsonc
and add a configuration object.
// Generates Freezed classes.
// If it's true, everything below will be ignored because Freezed supports them all.
"freezed": false,
// Enable Json Serializable builder.
"serializable": false,
// Enable Equatable support.
// If it's true, equality operator and immutability will be ignored.
"equatable": false,
// Generate immutable classes.
"immutable": false,
// Add toString method to improve the debugging experience.
"toString": false,
// Add copyWith method (Recommended with immutable classes).
"copyWith": false,
// Add equality operator.
"equality": false,
// Indicate that a variable can have the value null.
"nullSafety": false,
// Default target directory.
"targetDirectory": "/lib/models",
// Activate as primary global configuration.
"primaryConfiguration": false,
// Disable ask for confirmation to start the conversion.
"fastMode": false
Put all JSON objects to this list below configuration object separated by commas. Configuration object must be first in the list. Note that you add base class names to each object with key "__className": "MyClass",
the class name will be removed from the object and used as the root class name for your code syntax. Duplicate class names are not allowed to avoid overwriting the files. Your JSON object should look like this:
"__className": "UserPost", // <- The base class name of the object.
"userId": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "Json To Dart Model",
"body": "Json to Dart advanced..."
After adding the object and convert to Dart classes just run a command from the command palette or simpler use key binding Shift + Ctrl + Alt + B
. If you want to update some class, just delete the class folder from the directory and run again Build Models
and Json to Dart Model
will generate the missing directory.
Your final result should look like this:
"freezed": false,
"serializable": false,
"equatable": false,
"immutable": false,
"toString": false,
"copyWith": false,
"equality": false,
"nullSafety": false,
"targetDirectory": "/lib/models",
"primaryConfiguration": false,
"fastMode": false
"__className": "UserPost",
"userId": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "Json To Dart Model",
"body": "Json to Dart advanced..."
TIP: this may look too advanced but will give you the best results with this generator. Because the Json to Dart Model has more data sources to compare it to provide more secure and cleaner code.
If you work a lot with JSON files and get tired every time customize your models in the command palette. Then you can set the primary configuration to true
. And Json to Dart Model
will use models.jsonc
configuration everywhere and never ask you about input. Just choose any command from the selection
or clipboard
and pick the directory. Set fast mode to true
for faster converting to the default directory.
Note: if
configuration or some key does not exist then you will be asked for manual input.
Add serializing JSON using code generation libraries to pubspec.yaml
structure of the pubspec.yaml
# Your other regular dependencies here
json_annotation: <latest_version>
# Your other dev_dependencies here
build_runner: <latest_version>
json_serializable: <latest_version>
Freezed supports both old versions to 0.12.7 and new from 0.14.0 and higher. Freezed requires three packages to generate JSON files to Freezed classes with a few clicks.
structure of the pubspec.yaml
# Your other regular dependencies here
freezed_annotation: <latest_version>
# Your other dev_dependencies here
build_runner: <latest_version>
freezed: <latest_version>
Read more about how to install Freezed.
All generated classes with Freezed will be @immutable
and support all methods like copyWith
, toString
, equality operator==
... See example:
// Examples are for Freezed up to version 0.12.7
abstract class Address with _$Address {
factory Address({
@JsonKey(name: "street") String street,
@JsonKey(name: "suite") String suite,
@JsonKey(name: "city") String city,
@JsonKey(name: "zipcode") String zipcode,
@JsonKey(name: "geo") Geo geo,
}) = _Address;
factory Address.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AddressFromJson(json);
Freezed generator is useful for those who work daily with coding. All you have to do is upgrade some values and Freezed will take care of the rest. You don't need to worry that you have forgotten to update the parser to some method. More what you can do with Freezed read Freezed documentation.
TIP: If you think that you have too many generated files you can look at tips by Freezed on how to ignore lint warnings on generated files.
Equatable is the immutable class with the ability to compare your generated models in a better way. You can check if 2 classes, which are different instances, are equals without a single line of extra code. Of course, you can add toString method and copyWith for a better experience.
class Todos extends Equatable {
final int userId;
final int id;
final String title;
final bool completed;
const Todos({
factory Todos.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Todos(
userId: json['userId'] as int,
id: json['id'] as int,
title: json['title'] as String,
completed: json['completed'] as bool,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'userId': userId,
'id': id,
'title': title,
'completed': completed,
// Here will be more methods after your customization.
// toString();
// copyWith();
List<Object> get props => [userId, id, title, completed];
To add Equatable support you just have to select Yes
when the process of parsing your JSON to Code has started and the extension will take care of setting up the advanced code equality check-in your Dart models.
If you don't want to install the Equatable package and work with @immutable
classes and values then you can add equality operator ==
with less boilerplate syntax. And customize your class as mutable.
bool operator ==(Object o) =>
o is Todos &&
identical(o.userId, userId) &&
identical(, id) &&
identical(o.title, title) &&
identical(o.completed, completed);
int get hashCode => hashValues(userId, id, title, completed);
You can add toString
method in your classes to improve the debugging experience.
String toString() {
return 'Todos(userId: $userId, id: $id, title: $title, completed: $completed)';
Equatable can implement toString method including all the given props. If Equatable support is enabled then will implement Equatable toString
bool get stringify => true;
method will make your life easier with @immutable
classes. Highly recommended with immutable classes.
Todos copyWith({
int userId,
int id,
String title,
bool completed,
}) {
return Todos(
userId: userId ?? this.userId,
id: id ??,
title: title ?? this.title,
completed: completed ?? this.completed,
If null safety
enabled it will indicate that a variable may have the value null
. Required in the new Dart language from version 2.12...
Note: Before enabling null safety make sure your packages also support Dart null safety.
If you'd like to use Code Generation Libraries from Flutter, first of all, I suggest you add dependencies to the pubspec.yaml
file. It also can be done with this extension. You don't need to worry about it 😉 After that, you can convert your JSON to model classes. Then you need to run the flutter pub run build_runner build
command to generate the missing code of the models, according to Flutter documentation. Fortunately, the extension automatically opens a new terminal session and runs that command for you, yey 😄
- Read more about flutter's doc recommendation about JSON and serialization
Select a valid JSON. Press
Ctrl + shift + P
(Linux and Mac) orCtrl + P
(Windows) and search forConvert From Selection
orConvert From Selection To Code Generation Supported Classes
. Provide a Base class name and location to save. -
Copy a valid JSON. Press
Ctrl + shift + P
(Linux and Mac) orCtrl + P
(Windows) and search forConvert From Clipboard
orConvert From Clipboard To Code Generation Supported Classes
. Provide a Base class name and location to save. -
Ctrl + shift + P
(Linux and mac) orCtrl + P
(Windows) and search forAdd Code Generation Libraries To pubspec.yaml
and hit enter. -
Ctrl + shift + P
(Linux and Mac) orCtrl + P
(Windows) and search forBuild Models
and hit enter. -
Using short cuts.
Convert from Clipboard (Shift + Ctrl + Alt + V
Convert from Selection (Shift + Ctrl + Alt + S
Convert from file (Shift + Ctrl + Alt + B
Convert from Clipboard to Code Generation supported classes (Shift + Ctrl + Alt + G
Convert from Selection to Code Generation supported classes (Shift + Ctrl + Alt + H
- Array type merging
- Duplicate type prevention
- Union types
- Optional types
- Array types
Using key binding on
can throw errorCommand failed: xclip -selection clipboard -o
it happens when Linux lacks clipboard package. To resolve this error run in the terminal this command to install the missing package.sudo apt-get install xclip
Matches the wrong type. In my experience, some API deliverers write
values instead ofdouble
, for example, 1 or 1.00 instead of 1.10. The problem is that this generator does a deep object scan and reads each item to detect the type of value and returns the type as found. But with lists works well, if the list only hasdouble
, the list type returns asnum
. If you write yourself JSON objects try to give the right value type for better results. It’s all about JSON quality 😎
❤️ Special thanks to Israel Ibarra for adding equatable support.
❤️ Special thanks to Arnas for adding Effective Dart: Styles.
❤️ Special thanks to Ayush P Gupta for fixing bugs.
If you like this, please give us the ⭐ and share with your friends. Thank you 💙
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Feel free to contact me anytime 😊