Syncs the releases of GitHub projects with a folder at your disk, so that you can use it easily as a nuget source
Download the executable and run it with the following parameter:
ConvertGHReleasesToNuget.exe --genconf config.json
Now the config file should look like this:
"AuthConfig": {
"GitHubPersonalAccessToken": "" // Add your token here (NOTE: the token requires the "repo" scope for private repos)
"ProjectDownloadConfigs": [
"Owner": "owner", // Name of the owner where you want to download the resources
"Repo": "repo", // Name of the repo where you want to download the resources
"IncludePreRelease": false,
"DownloadDir": "Download" //The directory where the releases are locally stored
Configure it for your purposes.
Create a easy accessible folder locally e.g. C:\LocalNuGetPackages\Sources
and add your configured config.json
as well as the executable to C:\LocalNuGetPackages
Run the executable; it should automatically use the config.json
If the filename/path of the config is different run ConvertGHReleasesToNuget.exe -c <PathToYourConfigFile>
This is an old project which was created some time ago.
It was migrated to NET Core (should work now properly) and is now archived as OSS, so everyone can learn from it 📖