~~追求简洁清爽的Hexo主题,界面设计部分采用了Semantic UI (其实是自己做了半天发现审美捉急)。
A simple and cool hexo theme
- Responsive | Comfortable dynamic effects
- Archive | Info | (Resume) widgets
- Involve duoshuo comment module
- Involve local search module (hexo-generator-search)
//Init blog folder
$ hexo init blog
$ cd blog && npm install
//Add dependencies
$ npm install --save hexo-renderer-jade hexo-renderer-scss hexo-generator-feed hexo-generator-sitemap hexo-browsersync hexo-generator-archive hexo-generator-search
//clone theme
$ git clone https://github.com/littlewin-wang/hexo-theme-casual themes/casual
//Then update your blog's _config.yml(yourblog/config.yml) to use the theme.
# Extensions
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: casual
- In blog root dir
$ hexo new page about
- Modify source/about/index.md
title: About me
layout: "about"
//Add personal info you'd like to add
Add files to themes/casual/source/ and modify _config.yml(in theme dir)
favicon: /favicon.png
Just modify _config.yml(in theme dir)
github: http://github.com/littlewin-wang
twitter: http://twitter.com/littlewin_wang
weibo: http://weibo.com/fredinweibo
mail: mailto:[email protected]
Modify uyan item, value is your uyan id. (In theme dir)
# Comment
# e.g uyan: 2128137
uyan: 2128137
In blog root _config.yml
# Search
path: search.xml
field: all
Modify _config.yml and change the ga ID. (In theme dir)
# Analytics
# google-analytics:
ga: UA-92791318-1
- Init theme, now it can be used properly.
- Improve the style and effect in cellphone.
- Redesign style, add local search module
Pls refer to User guide
Email: [email protected]