A compact MODBUS RTU/TCP C library for embedded/microcontrollers
Open source materials for a novel structured legged robot, including mechanical design, electronic design, algorithm simulation, and software development. | 一个新型结构的轮腿机器人开源资料,包含机械设计、电子设计、算法仿真、软件开发等材料
an OS independent library for the neat ST7735S 80x160 IPS 0.96" TFT-Display
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library
Drivers and support code for SimpleFOC
A Modbus library for Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD and Windows
Arduino Shiled for running Gimbal BLDC motors with FOC algorithm
The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots.
Bootloader for STM32F103 boards, for use with the Arduino_STM32 repo and the Arduino IDE
Lightweight USB device and host stack for STM32 and other MCUs. Ready for USB 3.0 device.
📚 计算机体系架构、嵌入式系统基础与主流编程语言相关内容总结
Some embedded knowledge, especially for interview.
人工智能学习路线图,整理近200个实战案例与项目,免费提供配套教材,零基础入门,就业实战!包括:Python,数学,机器学习,数据分析,深度学习,计算机视觉,自然语言处理,PyTorch tensorflow machine-learning,deep-learning data-analysis data-mining mathematics data-science artificial…
Libraries for STM32F4xx and STM32F7xx built on HAL drivers from ST
Arduino UNO with Pimoroni 7x11px LED Matrix Display
An ultra-lightweight database that supports key-value and time series data | 一款支持 KV 数据和时序数据的超轻量级数据库
A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray core and sing-box-core and others