crawlab Public
Forked from crawlab-team/crawlabDistributed web crawler admin platform for spiders management regardless of languages and frameworks. 分布式爬虫管理平台,支持任何语言和框架
AmazeFileManager Public
Forked from TeamAmaze/AmazeFileManagerMaterial design file manager for Android
Leonids Public
Forked from plattysoft/LeonidsA Particle System for standard Android UI: http://plattysoft.github.io/Leonids/
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 17, 2018 -
apollo Public
Forked from ApolloAuto/apolloAn open autonomous driving platform
mastodon Public
Forked from mastodon/mastodonYour self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Ruby GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 16, 2018 -
lottie-android Public
Forked from airbnb/lottie-androidRender After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 16, 2018 -
Tars Public
Forked from TarsCloud/TarsTars is a highly performance rpc framework based on naming service using tars protocol and provides a semi-automatic operation platform.
C++ Other UpdatedJan 15, 2018 -
face_recognition Public
Forked from ageitgey/face_recognitionThe world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 14, 2018 -
zanui-weapp Public
Forked from youzan/vant-weapp高颜值、好用、易扩展的微信小程序 UI 库,Powered by 有赞
JavaScript UpdatedJan 12, 2018 -
stf Public
Forked from openstf/stfControl and manage Android devices from your browser.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 11, 2018 -
mars Public
Forked from Tencent/marsMars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat.
C++ Other UpdatedDec 8, 2017 -
async Public
Forked from caolan/asyncAsync utilities for node and the browser
nideshop Public
Forked from tumobi/nideshopNideShop:基于Node.js+MySQL开发的开源免费商城(api服务器端)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 9, 2017 -
Font-Awesome Public
Forked from FortAwesome/Font-AwesomeThe iconic font and CSS toolkit
HTML UpdatedJul 3, 2017 -
BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper Public
Forked from CymChad/BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelperPowerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter, www.recyclerview.org
alfred-dict-workflow Public
Forked from liberize/alfred-dict-workflowA multi-feature, fast and handy alfred dictionary workflow.
LoadingDrawable Public
Forked from dinuscxj/LoadingDrawableSome beautiful android loading drawable, can be combined with any view as the LoadingView or the ProgressBar. Besides, some Drawable can customize the loading progress too.
lantern Public
Forked from getlantern/lantern🏮 Open Internet for everyone. Lantern is a free application that delivers fast, reliable and secure access to the open Internet for users in censored regions. It uses a variety of techniques to sta…
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 16, 2016 -
FlycoTabLayout Public
Forked from H07000223/FlycoTabLayoutAn Android TabLayout Lib
Java MIT License UpdatedAug 5, 2016 -
dotfiles Public
Forked from zilongshanren/dotfilesvim,zsh,tmux,git and more
Vim Script UpdatedMay 26, 2015 -
kityminder Public
Forked from fex-team/kityminder百度脑图
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 26, 2014 -
RoadFM Public
An FM app which People can use it to listen to music,the music data from baidu fm
UpdatedDec 21, 2014 -
know-your-chrome Public
Forked from yuanyan/know-your-chromeknow your chrome
C++ UpdatedDec 18, 2013 -
android-app Public
Forked from eoecn/android-appeoe的Android客户端源码
afinal Public
Forked from yangfuhai/afinalAfinal是一个android的ioc,orm框架,内置了四大模块功能:FinalAcitivity,FinalBitmap,FinalDb,FinalHttp。通过finalActivity,我们可以通过注解的方式进行绑定ui和事件。通过finalBitmap,我们可以方便的加载bitmap图片,而无需考虑oom等问题。通过finalDB模块,我们一行代码就可以对android的sqli…
ThinkAndroid Public
Forked from white-cat/ThinkAndroidThinkAndroid是一个免费的开源的、简易的、遵循Apache2开源协议发布的Android开发框架,其开发宗旨是简单、快速的进行 Android应用程序的开发,包含Android mvc、简易sqlite orm、ioc模块、封装Android httpclitent的http模块, 具有快速构建文件缓存功能,无需考虑缓存文件的格式,都可以非常轻松的实现缓存,它还基于文件缓存模块实现…
Java UpdatedMay 13, 2013 -
progressbutton Public
Forked from f2prateek/progressbuttonA custom progress indicator with a tiny footprint.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 10, 2013 -
cocos2d-x Public
Forked from cocos2d/cocos2d-xcocos2d for iOS, Android, Win32 and OS X. Built using C++
cw-omnibus Public
Forked from commonsguy/cw-omnibusSource code to omnibus edition of _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_
JazzyViewPager Public
Forked from jfeinstein10/JazzyViewPagerAn easy to use ViewPager that adds an awesome set of custom swiping animations. Just change your ViewPagers to JazzyViewPagers, two more steps, and you're good to go!
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 10, 2013