A Leaflet control to do a box zoom.
Not everyone knows about holding down Shift, and prefer to have a visible, clickable button to do box zooms.
Live demo: http://gregallensworth.github.io/L.Control.BoxZoom/
For the impatient, copy-and-paste out of the working example, index.html
The dist/ folder contains the essentials: a JS file, a CSS file, and a single SVG icon.
Simply include the JS and CSS as usual:
<script src="dist/leaflet-control-boxzoom.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/leaflet-control-boxzoom.css" />
Then add the Control to your map:
L.Control.boxzoom({ position:'topleft' }).addTo(map);
- divClasses Add classes to the div that holds the Leaflet control.
- enableShiftDrag Enable the original functionality of Leaflet's shift-drag box zoom, in addition to the button.
- iconClasses Any valid classes for an icon element. Used for easily adding a custom icon to the button.
- iconColor Use to set the color of the custom icon. Accepts anything valid for a standard CSS color value, e.g. "black", "#000000", etc. Defaults to "black".
- keepOn Boolean. Controls whether the zoombox state ends when drawing a zoom, or whether it's kept on. Defaults to false.
- position Any of the usual position flags for a L.Control subclass: topright, topleft, and so on.
- title A string to give information to user.