Published on heroku:
####Isues covered on this repository:
- Have the Play app set up
- Have the AngularJS app set up with ES6
- Have the tests for both Scala and AngularJS apps run in Travis-CI
- Have the deployment AngularJS set up with
for production and development environments that will: compile ES6 JS with traceur, compile LESS, minimize CSS and JS and many more. - Install browser-sync
- Deploy it on Heroku cedar stack, run
gulp build:prod
on Heroku before deployment
####Install/run app Make sure you have installed: Scala, SBT, NodeJS, bower, gulp-cli
~ sudo npm install
~ bower install
~ sbt compile run
//in a second window enable browser-sync
~ guld serve
####Run tests
~ sbt test
~ gulp test
~ gulp test:auto //watch on tests
####Travis setup Make sure you enabled the project to run on Travis CI on your travis account. This is the .travis.yml:
language: scala
- 2.11.6
- 0.10
- "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
- "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
- "npm install -g gulp-cli"
- "npm install -g karma"
- "npm install"
- "sbt clean test"
- "./node_modules/.bin/karma start ./app/assets/client/karma.conf.js --browsers Firefox --single-run"
####Heroku deployment
This app has to run 2 deployment scripts, first one for the AngulaJS app with gulp
and the second one for the Scala app with sbt
To make this possible, you need to enable multi-build-pack
on Heroku for your app. Make sure you add the following file in your root: .buildpacks
and add this content to the file:
Make sure you have a package.json
in your root file.
Make sure you run your gulp production build task
inside package.json
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/gulp build:prod"
Run these commands to support multi-build-pack on Heroku:
heroku buildpack:set
heroku config:set SBT_OPTS="-Dsbt.jse.engineType=Node"
Add Heroku as a second remote:
~ git remote add heroku [email protected]:{app_name}.git
Publish to Heroku master:
~ git push heroku {local_branch_name}:master