A Python implementation of web3.js
- Python 3.6+ support
Read more in the documentation on ReadTheDocs. View the change log on Github.
from client_sdk_python import Web3, HTTPProvider
from client_sdk_python.eth import PlatON
from hexbytes import HexBytes
# get blockNumber
w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider("http://localhost:6789"))
platon = PlatON(w3)
block_number = platon.blockNumber
# get Balance
address = '0x493301712671Ada506ba6Ca7891F436D29185821'
balance = platon.getBalance(address)
# sendtransaction
to = '0xC1f330B214668beAc2E6418Dd651B09C759a4Bf5'
w3.personal.unlockAccount(address, "password", 60)
data = {
"from": address,
"to": to,
"value": 0x10909,
transaction_hex = HexBytes(platon.sendTransaction(data)).hex()
result = platon.waitForTransactionReceipt(transaction_hex)