- Pro
CentreNET Public
An gravity of centre based, nonproposal architecture for instance segmentation
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A static analysis framework for Python
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Miyu programming language,a toy language with OOP and generic types.
OCaml GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 28, 2022 -
cpython Public
Forked from python/cpythonThe Python programming language
Python Other UpdatedJan 16, 2019 -
Detectron Public
Forked from facebookresearch/DetectronFAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 23, 2018 -
PaperManager Public
Forked from gnu-fripside/PaperManagerThe most bugs‘ paper management tool online
pytorch-deeplab-resnet Public
Forked from isht7/pytorch-deeplab-resnetDeepLab resnet model in pytorch
Python UpdatedJul 30, 2017 -
pytorch Public
Forked from pytorch/pytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
Python Other UpdatedApr 17, 2017 -
Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap Public
Forked from floodsung/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-RoadmapDeep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
Python UpdatedMar 16, 2017