This is the current version of the ATV website. We used to be on wordpress, but transitioned over to Jekyll to make it easier for everyone to contribute. If you have videos you would like to be posted to the site all you need to do is submit a pull request! Upgraded everything so it is working with more current versions of things, Jekyll 3 and Ruby 2.2.x.
Things we could use help with:
- CSS improvements
- The search and navigation styling
- Need to add Pagination on the main page and long category pages
- Help screening the videos that need to be posted and generating the markdown files
- Get Disqus working so we have comments again
- Support for Vimeo
- Most importantly we are looking for people interested in recording the local meetups!
We are using Trello for easy task tracking. AustinTechVideos on Trello
All site dependencies are managed from within vagrant. Once you have installed Vagrant and VirtualBox simply run
vagrant up
This will install:
Restarting the box will require manually running the jekyll serve:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
sudo jekyll serve --host --port 80 --force_polling
- We are using recurser's plugin to generate the categories. It is one part of a set of plugins that they have created. Jekyll (Category) Plugins
- It requires the octopress filters plugin. octopress_filters.rb
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
jekyll build
pnpm install
grunt less
gem install bundler jekyll nokogiri json jekyll-lunr-js-search
jekyll build
See the LICENSE file (MIT)