simple static server for local development
Install the passerve
as global package:
npm install -g passerve
or install local in project:
npm install --save-dev passerve
Usage for global install:
$ passerve [options]
Usage for install in project:
$ npx passerve [options]
"scripts": {
"serve": "passerve [options]"
and start this:
$ npm run serve
-v, --version output the current version
-p, --port <n> server port number (default: 3000)
-d, --dist [value] folder for serve files (default: dist)
-e, --e404 [value] filename for page "Error 404" (default: 404.html)
-h, --help display help for command
$ passerve -p 4200 -d build -e error.html
$ npx passerve --port 8080 --dist './static'
If you do not specify the data on the command line, the default settings will be applied. And if the file "404.html " missing, the error page will be displayed as one simple internal page.
You can programmatically start the local server if you import the server() function from the passerve package:
// gulpfile.js
import gulp from "gulp";
const { src, dest, series, parallel, watch } = gulp;
import server from "passerve";
function browse() {
port: 3000, // server port number (default: 3000)
dist: "dist", // folder for serve files (default: dist)
e404: "404.html", // filename for page "Error 404" (default: 404.html)
function copy() {
return src("src/**/*.*").pipe(dest("dist"));
function watchdev() {
watch("src/**/*.*", copy);
export let serve = parallel(watchdev, browse);
export let dev = series(copy, serve);
The best way to apply this can be found in the gulp project assignment.
MIT ©2024 pasmurno by llcawc. Made with ❤ to beautiful architecture