This generator creates a real-time web site statistics system.
- Page views paths on each session
- Number of total hits / unique hits
- Operating system and browser
- Countries and languages
- Referrers and search strings
- Flash / JavaVM / Javascript / ScreenWidth / ColorDepth
./script/generate rail_stat
This will generate controller, models, helper, views, db scripts, images and stylesheets needed for the web statistics system.
Create database
Create the database schema using rake db:migrate
Download the IP-to-Country database from :
Copy ip-to-country.csv in db/ directory
Upload the data using ip-to-country.mysql.sql:
mysql -u user dbname < ip-to-country.mysql.sql
Add your web site name at the end of config/environment.rb (assign it to a constant SITE_NAME)
Example: SITE_NAME = ''
Notes: Steps 3 - 5 are optional. If you don't want to download ip-to-country database the system will work but the visitor country will not be tracked.