Forked from capturetechnologies/node-eventsource-http2 with modifications merged from bobheadlabs/node-eventsource-http2.
Modified to implement a few missing constructor options from the eventsource package on which this library was modeled:
Additional constructor option parameters include:
ca: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer> | undefined;
Pass a certificate to optionally override the trusted CA certificates.Example:
// Specify a trusted certificate authority const sse = new EventSource('', { ca: fs.readFileSync("./ca.crt") });
rejectUnauthorized: boolean
Allow connections even with an invalid certificate . The HTTP2 documentation asserts that this option only applies to servers, but testing indicates that it has an affect on clients as well. This is unsafe and should not be used in production (or possibly ever).Example:
// Connects to servers with self-signed certificates, unsafe in production const sse = new EventSource('', { rejectUnathorized: false });
Eventsource nodejs client doesn't support http/2.
This package fixes it build on top of http2
, so it fully supports it
npm install node-eventsource-http2
const EventSource = require('node-eventsource')
const sse = new EventSource('your.endpoint/sse');
sse.addEventListener('type', (event) => {
// your code goes here