A simple web-based application built for an assignment using JavaScript. It enables student registration with form validation, user input handling, and local storage for data management. The projec…
A portfolio website template for Geeks,Programmers and hackers.
A minimalistic particle theme landing page template. ⚛️
A beautiful minimal and accessible portfolio template for Developers. Give it a star 🌟 if you find it useful.
Responsive Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript
This repository contains a live demo of my personal portfolio website. Explore my work, skills, and projects in this interactive showcase
"simple html porfolio" is a stunning portfolio website, meticulously designed and developed using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript.
Portfolio template for developers. Create your portfolio using this template! Made using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, and jQuery. Focus is on giving a starter template to developers for their …
Traffic sign recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
YOLO v3 format of traffic signs dataset to train and test detector
Deep learning network for traffic sign image classification
A traffic sign classifier built with TensorFlow
It is a model to recognize traffic signs. It can recognize 43 different signs like Speed limit (20km/h), Speed limit (30km/h), Right-of-way at the next intersection, Pedestrians, Children crossing …
This project is traffic Sign detection and recognition using openCV and Tensorflow
GTSRB - German Traffic Sign Recognition
Classify traffic signs by using the AlexNet and GoogLeNet architecture using GTSRB dataset and comparing the two
Implementation of CNNs in Keras to recognize traffic signs from the German Traffic Sign Dataset
Project: Build a Traffic Sign Recognition Program
Traffic sign classification project of Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree
Traffic Sign Detection and Warning System in real time with Custom Dataset & YOLOV8.
We build a traffic sign classifier with multi-scale Convolutional Networks using Keras
Effective Traffic Signs Classification by CNN
Traffic Sign Classification - GTSRB dataset
Recognizing Traffic signs from GTSRB dataset ||:red_circle:||:small_red_triangle:||:small_red_triangle_down:||
🚸⛔Novel Deep Convolutional Network is proposed for traffic sign classification that achieves outstanding performance on GTSRB surpassing the best human performance of 98.84%.
Traffic sign detection and recognition using Yolov3 and Convolutional Neural Networks